Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Tracey Emin Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Tracey Emin - Essay Example This photograph depicts a naked girl. She is holding the flag of the United Kingdom known as Union Jack with two hands above her head. The photograph shows her from behind. Thus, the flag covers her entire head, shoulders and the most part of the back, but it does not cover the waist, the buttocks and the legs. The girl is shown running away from the camera. The background shows the backside road, the wall on the left and the pavement on the right. There are several elements that should be analyzed in great detail. First of all, it is clear that the most controversial point about the picture is that the subject that is depicted on it is naked. In spite of the fact that this image may not be considered to be pornographic or erotic, it does disturbs the perception of the audience. Keeping in mind that position that I advocated by the author, one might suggest that the fact that the girl is naked reflects the desire of the artist to express her approval of feminism. The next important element which is essential when it comes to analyzing the structure of the photograph is the British flag. There is no doubt in the fact that the artist used this significant symbol of the state deliberately. Thus, it serves two functions. On the one hand, thanks to the use of the flag, the audience knows what country the picture was taken. Indeed, though it is not implied, but the message is primarily directed to the British people and this becomes clear through the use of their flag. On the other hand, the very situation when almost sacred symbol and a naked female body is combined is likely to provoke a considerable amount of controversy as well as criticism which will be expressed by the public. The next interesting point about the picture focuses on the activity which is performed by the main character. Thus, the girl in question is running with the flag above her head.

Monday, October 28, 2019

New Testament Essay Example for Free

New Testament Essay For all readers of the New Testament, the theme of the redemption of man through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ is fascinating reading; in the case of the believer in the word of God, it is something else entirely. Believers and scholars alike agree that Paul’s letters to the Romans embody the theme of justification, or God’s gift of grace by which the truly repentant are forgiven of sins and accepted by God because of the price that Christ paid by dying on the cross. Implicit in the concept of justification is the identification of Jesus Christ as the Son of God (Cullmann). In this essay, the concept of justification will be more closely examined; within two specific chapters of Romans, 4 and 5, justification will be discussed and examined in order to better understand the concept as well as these pivotal chapters of the New Testament itself. In order to better understand the significance of Romans, one must first consider the historical context in which its ideas were shared by the faithful. Most people governed their actions, and defined their worth, through the laws of the day, which ruled all aspects of life. Within Romans, however, the concept of justification by faith alone, not the law (Perrin Duling) set the conventional order askew. This concept alone undoubtedly opened the eyes of many people to the refreshing possibility of redemption through the one true God. Those who read these words were introduced to the writings of the apostle Paul, who presented himself in the New Testament as â€Å"a slave of the Messiah, Jesus Christ† (Bryan), the word slave being used not Order#311114061 Justification Pg. 2 in the conventional sense of bondage and harsh servitude, but rather in a way that allowed those who sought God to come to Him without fear of punishment. The concept of coming to God for justification is personified in Romans through 2 specific verses, as follows: Now to the one who works, his wage is not reckoned as a favor, but as what is due. ROMANS 4-4 But to the one who does not work, but believes in Him who justifies the ungodly, his faith is reckoned as righteousness ROMANS 4-5 What these verses tell the reader is that their submission to God, while it will benefit them, is not something that He considers to be optional; moreover, belief in God will lead to redemption because of justification. Beyond the explicit text of justification within Romans, there are also some key themes of justification within it that reinforce the overall concept. Specifically, when Romans calls the people to â€Å"lift up their hearts†, this is an outright plea for people to embrace justification (Knox). The bottom line in justification is peace with God and salvation through the Holy Spirit, and by the lifting up of the heart, one can attain inner peace and security in the warmth of God’s love. This peace and security is described as being â€Å"clothed in the righteousness of Christ† (Harink), and is further clarified by this passage: â€Å"therefore, being justified by faith, we have peace with God† ROMANS 5-1. While this brief essay can hardly scratch the surface of the promise of the New Testament and the gift of justification from God to the Pg. 3 human race because of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, one thing is for certain. For the faithful, the redemption from sin by God is a priceless gift, and the New Testament is a rock upon which the hopes of Christians can be bolstered today, tomorrow, and forever. As long as humans walk the face of the earth and beyond, God will be there for them and His words are eternal. Works Cited Bryan, C. (2000). A Preface to Romans: Notes on the Epistle in Its Literary and Cultural Setting. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Retrieved June 22, 2006, from Questia database: http://www. questia. com/PM. qst? a=od=96373444 Cullmann, O. (1963). The Christology of the New Testament (Guthrie, S. C. Hall, C. A. , Trans. ) (Revised ed. ). Philadelphia: Westminster Press. Retrieved June 22, 2006, from Questia database: http://www. questia. com/PM. qst? a=od=95085143 Harink, D. (2005, June 14). Setting It Right: Doing Justice to Justification. The Christian Century, 122, 20+. Retrieved June 22, 2006, from Questia database: http://www.questia. com/PM. qst? a=od=5009653212 Knox, J. (1961). Life in Christ Jesus: Reflections on Romans, 5-8. Greenwich, CT: Seabury Press. Retrieved June 22, 2006, from Questia database: http://www. questia. com/PM. qst? a=od=13880819 Perrin, N. , Duling, D. C. (1982). The New Testament, an Introduction: Proclamation and Parenesis, Myth and History (2nd ed. ). San Diego, CA: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich. Retrieved June 22, 2006, from Questia database: http://www. questia. com/PM. qst? a=od=59589847

Saturday, October 26, 2019

My Chautauqua Essay -- Personal Narrative essay about myself

My Chautauqua I have a tendency to forget to breathe when I'm sitting in my art history class. A double slide projector set-up shoots its characteristic artillery - bright colors, intense shapes, inscriptions in languages that are at times read merely as symbols by my untrained mind, archaic figures with bodies contorted like elementary school students on the recess monkey bars. I discuss Diego Rivera's "The Liberation of the Peon," Frida Kahlo's "Self-Portrait," and Anselm Kiefer's "To the Unknown Painter" with my classmates. The room is never silent as we marvel at these images. When the slide projectors give off that first glimmer of light, their Gatsby spot of a blurry green hope at the end of the dock, we depart on our collective imaginary field trips. The teacher doesn't need to coax, to pry, to pose multiple-choice questions. We are already on our way. I wander down the Hall of Mirrors in the French Palace of Versailles. Soon after I am thinking of the converse style, and recall that German Architect Mies van der Rohe has created the most simplistic a...

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Emerging Business Themes Essay

A- QUESTION 1 1- Definition Business ethics is a form of professional ethics that examines ethical principles and moral or ethical problems that arise in a business environment. The definition of Ethical stance defined by Johnson and Scholes as: ‘the extent to which an organization will exceed it minimum obligations to stakeholders and society at large. There are four possible ethical stances existing and are stereotypes for any organization.(1) The first ethical stance is short-term shareholder interests; a company who stick very close to laws and regulations which are in place. They give and do only what they are obliged to, this usually causes problems with long-term financial decisions. The second stance is longer-term shareholder interests – a company who are very focused on building and maintaining reputation in relation to its financial success. They take into consideration all stakeholders and how they can affect the organization in the future. The third stance is multiple stakeholder obligations – relating to a company taking wide consultation with all stakeholders. This is a very slow process and not a good stance for a fast moving and growing company. The last stance is shaper of society – companies who focus on communities and want to build them up; this stance puts the financial interest second and is usually related to charitable organizations. 2- Ethical Dimension to Corporate Decision Making Ford Motor Company is one of the competitive motor companies in the world. In 1970s, the compact car Ford pinto, became a famous for its tendency in rear-end collisions to leak fuel and explode into flames. More than 20 people were killed or injured before the Ford Motor company issued a recall to correct the problem. The decision process behind the Pinto’s launch revealed that under intense competition from Volkswagen and other small car manufacturers, Ford has rushed the Pinto into production. Ford’s engineers had discovered the potential danger of ruptured fuel tanks in crash tests, but the assembly line was ready and Ford’s leaders decided to proceed. This is an evidence of greed, callousness and unethicality. (2) Looking to their decision, it take into account a growing understanding on how cognitive biases distort ethical decision making, and come to a different conclusion. In our mind, the executives involved in the Pinto decision, were making an unethical choice. It is because they thought of it is as purely a business decision rather than an ethical one. The problems are already highlighted to Ford’s leaders, but, in those days, safety was not popular in Ford. Problem meant delay on a Pinto. Production must go to achieve sale target. We don’t believe that Ford’s leaders or executive in charge were consciously unethical or intentionally sanctioned unethical behavior by people further down the chain of command. After decades, the Ford Pinto case has allowed us to dissect Ford’s decision-making process and apply the latest behavioral ethics theory to it. The pattern of evident continues to recur in organizations. It is diverted the Ford’s Executives’ attention from the ethical dimension of problem, and executives today are swayed by similar forces. (2) To overcome all the problems, Ford Motor Company has a program to guide compliance with Ford Policies and Directives. Ford compliance program is reviewed by a senior management compliance committee and the Audit Committee of the Board of Directors. The program raises awareness of the Company’s commitment to defines corporate practices through Policies and Directives, ethical practices, ensure an infrastructure that allows for the reporting of Policy violations or business-related legal violations through a number of avenues worldwide, conducts risk assessments, oversees the investigation of such reports and education on key legal and provides training and ethical risk areas. The Handbook outlines requirements for its employees and those working on behalf of the Company and provides background resources for a wide range of business-related situations, including: (3) 1- Workplace environment 2- Gifts, favors and conflicts of interest 3- Use of Company assets and data safeguarding 4- Integrity of financial records 5- Product quality, safety and environmental matters 6- Intellectual property 7- Working with governments (political activities) 8- Competition and antitrust laws 9- International business practices References: 1-Wikipedia- 2- Max H. Baseman And Ann E. Tenbrunsel – Harvard Business Review April 2011- 3- Ford Motor Company- -report 2008/2009 – -sustainability-ethical B- QUESTION 2 1-Climate Change – Ford Motor Company. In 21st century, climate change is the most important global political and business issues. It will have a huge impact of the world and threaten livelihood of millions of people in the world. Every years, average temperature in artic have risen twice, increasing emissions of greenhouse gases. Climate change is the result of an increase in heat-trapping (greenhouse) gases in the atmosphere. Carbon dioxide (CO2) is the major long-lived greenhouse gas (GHG). The burning of fossil fuels (to provide electricity, heat and transportation, and to support industry and agriculture), as well as deforestation, leads to net emissions of CO2 and increased levels of atmospheric CO2. The atmospheric concentration of CO2 has increased from a preindustrial level of 270–280 parts per million (ppm) to a level of approximately 392 ppm in 2012. (4) Ford Motor Company have a holistic view of climate change and have addressed non-CO2 long-term greenhouse gases such as hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), perfluorocarbons (PFCs), nitrous oxide (N2O) and sulfur hexafluoride (SF6). Through its Restricted Substance Management Standard they have prohibited SF6 in tires in magnesium casting. They were continuing their scientific research to determine the relative contribution of a wide range of long-lived greenhouse gases to radiative forcing of climate change. (4) 2-Ford’s Greenhouse Gas Emissions Ford has estimated that their total CO2 emissions are in the range of 350–400 million metric tons (Mmt) per year, varying over time with fluctuations in vehicle production and sales, on-road fleet size and vehicle miles traveled. The estimate includes emissions from its facilities, emissions from current-year vehicles and emissions from all Ford vehicles on the road. (4) 3-Climate Change Risk and Opportunities In 21st century, concerns about climate change, the energy security and price of fuel, along with the global recession, have changed the automotive business. This creates substantial risks for automakers but also opportunities for innovation that enable growth and expansion. Below, the general trends driving change in Ford’s markets and take a closer look at several key markets. Also discuss the physical and supply chain risks to its business posed by climate change. (4) Ford’s Markets – Price of fuel, consumer interest in smaller and more fuel-efficient vehicles and energy security concerns are also a driver of fuel economy regulation and alternative fuel development. – All of Ford’s major markets are increasingly shaped by government actions to regulate fuel economy and carbon dioxide emissions, provide incentives to shift consumer and introduce low-carbon fuels and business behavior. Some of governments are also actively involved in development, promoting the research, battery technologies and purchase of new vehicle. – Greater concern from Investors about climate change as a material risk. Providing climate-change-relevant information to investors and shaping its business strategy with climate change in mind are important elements of maintaining access to capital. – Product globalization strategy – respond to changing markets, regional preferences, opportunities and the risks presented by the climate change issue. Ford has created global vehicle platforms that offer superior fuel economy, safety, quality and customer features. (4) 4-Physical Risks Climate change raises the potential for shifting patterns of extreme weather and other risk to Ford’s facilities. For insurance, Ford assesses the risks each of their facilities faces at least once a year. This risk assessment is updated and takes into account the risk of exposure to storms, hurricanes, earthquakes and flooding. (4) 5-Supply Chain Risk Ford suppliers located in more than 60 countries, regulatory and physical risks as a result of GHG regulation and the impacts of climate change. These risks could affect their competitiveness or ability to operate, creating the potential for disruptions to the flow of supplies to Ford. (4) 6-Ford Climate Change Strategy Ford’s long-term strategy is to contribute to climate stabilization by: †¢ Continuously reducing the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and energy usage. †¢ Working with industry partners, energy companies, consumer groups and policy makers to establish an effective and predictable market, policy and technological framework for reducing GHG emissions. †¢ Develop the flexibility and capability to market lower-GHG-emission products. (4) 7-Product Sustainability Process -Science – Stabilization approach Technology plan -Government – regulatory trendsproduct CO2 strategy Policy position -Consumer- market trends Cycle plan -Competitive- industry trends Marketing and Communication plan 4- Ford Motor Company – C- QUESTION 3 In 21st century business challenge and difficult global trading conditions, good relationship with several groups of stakeholders such as employees, customers, dealers, suppliers, investors and communities are very important. 1- Ford Motor Company Stakeholders. Through internal analysis and developing sustainability programs, Ford has interdependent relationship with a few categories of stakeholders such as employees, customers, dealers, suppliers, investors and communities, also its relationship to ‘society’ which includes government agency, NGOs and academia. (5) 2- Employees Employees are the most valuable resource. In 2011, Ford employed more than 164,000 individuals at 73 plants, 41 distribution warehouses, 106 sales offices worldwide and 57 engineering research/development facilities. All of the hourly employees in its automotive operations in the U.S. and also its subsidiary outside U.S. are represented by unions and covered by collective bargaining agreements. Unions are key partners with Ford in providing a productive, safe and respectful workplace. Ford faces workplace health and safety challenges such as; establishing and reinforcing high, common expectations for the safety of their employees worldwide. Most of their manufacturing facilities have joint union/management safety committees that guide the development and implementation of safety programs. (5) ONE Ford plan aligns its efforts toward a common definition of success: having ONE Team, ONE Plan and ONE Goal for an exciting, viable Ford that delivers profitable growth for all. (5) †¢ F: Foster Functional and Technical Excellence(5) †¢ O: Own Working Together(5) †¢ R: Role Model Ford Values(5) †¢ D: Deliver Results(5) 3- Customers Ford Motor Company serves more than 5.5 million customers worldwide. Ford’s customers are the most important stakeholder. Their major regional markets include South America, North America, Eastern Europe, Western Europe, Russia, Australia and Asia. In some regions, Ford serve 3 types of customers- individual retail consumers, small business customers and large commercial fleet customers. It will continue to expand products and services for these existing customers while working simultaneously to gain new customers in emerging markets. In North America and Asia, they are focusing on increasing their offerings of smaller and more fuel-efficient vehicles. (5) 4- Dealers Dealers are the face of Ford to its customers and communities, the key employers and contributors to local economies. Dealer sustainability program has launched in 2010, a voluntary sustainability initiative for dealers to reduce their carbon footprints and improve the energy-efficiency of their dealerships. The goal of the â€Å"Go Green† Dealer Sustainability Program is to collaborate with dealers to implement cost-effective ways to improve the energy-efficiency of their facilities. It partnered with the Rocky Mountain Institute, a leading energy-efficiency organization, to pilot new technologies and architectural design principles. (5) 5- Suppliers Ford relies on more than 1,400 production suppliers to provide parts that are assembled into Ford vehicles. 9,000 supplier companies provide a wide range of nonproduction goods and services, from industrial materials to computers to advertising. Ford and its suppliers work jointly to deliver great products, have a strong business and make a better future. In today’s economic environment, achieving lower costs and improving quality require an unprecedented level of cooperation with suppliers and the maintenance of strong supplier relationships. (5) 6- Investors The success of Ford as a company directly affects its 162,000 investors, and they have been focused on improving Ford’s financial health. Provide information and interact regularly with investors through corporate website, annual report and regulatory filings and annual meeting. They also engage with socially responsible investment organizations that are seeking information to use to evaluate its sustainability performance. These interactions help Ford stay abreast of and respond to investor concerns. (5) 7- Communities Ford Motor Company impacts the communities in numerous ways, provide the employment, the taxes, the environmental and safety performance and support and participate in civic life. The communities are composed of a range of groups and individuals, include its customers, employees, business partners, government regulators, community organizations and members of civil society, and individuals who live and work around its facilities. Ford has been supporting community more than 100 years ago. This includes helping feed hungry people, providing mentors in classrooms and teaching teenagers to drive more safely. Changing of Fundamental have been happening including increased competition globally and changing markets for its products, with future sales growth expected to occur in emerging economies. Ford is expanding sourcing in these lower-cost emerging markets, as a way to serve both local markets and the global supply chain. Ford seeks to respect and make a positive contribution to its host communities. (5) 5- Ford Motor Company – D- BIBILIOGRAPHY 1-Wikipedia- 2- Max H. Baseman And Ann E. Tenbrunsel – Harvard Business Review April 2011- 3- Ford Motor Company- -report 2008/2009 – 4- Ford Motor Company – 5- Ford Motor Company –

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Language in Anthony and Brutus’ Speeches Essay

Compare and contrast Henry’s use of rhetoric to affect others in his Harfleur speeches with the effectiveness of the language in Anthony and Brutus’ speeches In Henry V, Henry uses rhetoric very effectively as he persuades the Governor at Harfleur to surrender and encourages his troops onward with his ‘Once more unto the breach’ speech. This is very similar to Anthony and Brutus of Julius Caesar as they use rhetoric to influence the ‘mob’; firstly Brutus wins the crowd over and they believe the death of Caesar is a good thing and then Anthony turns them around and they end up hating Cassius and Brutus. Henry uses rhetoric to create a number of different effects one of them being to persuade the Governor to surrender. Rhoda Koenig suggests that this scene ‘points up the character of this immature and disaffected king’, which I disagree with as I believe that this speech shows just how the King has matured as he is able to bluff his way through as his army is, really, worn and battered. This speech shows how Henry’s words are more powerful than his army, which is similar to Anthony in Julius Caesar who turns the mob into a state of madness just through the use of his oratorical skills. For example, Henry starts his speech with short, sharp sentences: â€Å"How yet resolves the governor of the/ town?† This creates an assertive beginning and one that makes Henry seem powerful and stern. This coupled with the use of a rhetorical question puts the Governor in a situation where the mercy of Henry is in his hands, as if the outcome of his men depends on his decision. This also removes the responsibility from Henry’s shoulders which is a recurring theme throughout the play. Henry also describes what the outcome could look like if the Governor doesn’t surrender: â€Å"The gates of mercy shall be all shut up.† The use of a metaphor here, ‘the gates of mercy’, refers to Henry as if once he starts the battle there’s no goi ng back. This is used to scare the Governor so that he believes Harfleur will be desecrated once the battle has begun. This, of course, is a faà §ade as Henry knows full-well that his army is worn thin and lacking in strength. This demonstrates Henry’s good leadership, as he bluffs his way through with confidence. Also, this quote contains lots of monosyllables which make it very powerful and reinforces the threat which forces the Governor to surrender. Bernard Richards raised an interesting point where he said that Shakespeare ‘wanted to show the full range of war – the glamour as well as the squalid and obscene violence.’ This interested me as throughout this speech there is talk of atrocities of war such as ‘shrieking daughters’ while elsewhere in the play we see the French think of war as glorious. This is very similar to Brutus in Julius Caesar who has to use rhetoric to convince the crowd to surrender, as they are initially angry at the conspirat ors for killing their leader. For example, he uses rhetorical questions to force the crowd to realise that the murder of Caesar will benefit them: â€Å"Who here is so base [†¦] Who here is so rude [†¦] Who is so vile [†¦] for him have I offended.† The crowd are forced to ask themselves if they would want to be slaves, for example, which they of course answer ‘no’. The use of a three-part list also emphasizes this and would allow the crowd to remember this more accurately: â€Å"Let him be Caesar!† This quote shows that Brutus’s rhetoric successfully convinces the crowd, although they appear to have missed the point as they want Brutus to be ‘the new Caesar’ and the sole leader of Rome which is what the conspirators were fighting against. It is also interesting to note that Shakespeare’s main characters usually speak in blank verse, but here Brutus speaks in prose. This is because prose is the perfect way to persuade so has a stronger affect on the crowd. It could also be argued that because he speaks to the low-life characters, they will understand prose better than blank verse. Within his speech Brutus also uses repetition which reinforces his message: â€Å"Hear me for cause [†¦] hear.† The use of framing repetition here grabs the crowd’s attention and makes them listen. He also repeats ‘honour’ throughout his speech: â€Å"Believe me for mine honour, and have respect for mine honour.† This repetition is used to emphasize to the crowd that the conspirator’s cause was honourable and that they have done the right thing while it also serves to remind the crowd how Brutus is an honourable man, which is a similarity with Henry who also takes great care in ensuring the cause for going to war is moral. The repetition would ‘grind’ it into the crowds’ heads so that it’s almost like subliminal messaging. The repetition also shows how Brutus is still unsure himself and that he is trying to convince himself that they have done the right thing. Henry also uses rhetoric to empower his army and urge them on at Harfluer in what Hal Hinson of the Washington Post calls ‘the greatest half-time speech in human historyà ¢â‚¬â„¢. Here, Henry is forced to persuade his army that they should not retreat but attack once again: â€Å"Once more unto the breach, dear friends, once more.† Similarly to Brutus, Henry uses framing repetition to encourage his army to attack Harfleur once more. The repetition helps to reinforce the message and will stick in their minds through the battle. Also in this quote, he uses an endearing pronoun ‘friend’. This affects the army as they will feel that they are all friends of the King and will have a surge of confidence. This will help the army to conquer whatever they face, even though they have had to retreat. Interestingly, this contrast to what the Chorus says in the preceding scene as he states that the great British are invading France when really they are being forced to retreat. Henry also uses alliteration: â€Å"But when the blast of war blows in our ears.† The use of plosive alliteration here creates a powerful sound which suggests that the English army are powerful enough to defeat the French. This also shows Henry’s passion as if it’s bursting out of him as he desperately wants his men to survive as he feels guilty that the war may not have an honourable cause. Also is this speech, sibilance is used: â€Å"Stiffen the sinews.† This also creates quite an aggressive sound which would be passed onto the soldiers and make them feel aggressive and willing to fight. Henry also uses figurative language: â€Å"Let it pry [†¦] like the brass cannon.† This simile likens the mind prying to a cannon – an item associated with war – which would rile up the soldiers and also remind them that they are at war, its kill or be killed. Another simile used refers to Alexander the Great: â€Å"On, on, you noblest English [†¦] like so many Alexanders.† Here, Henry likens his army to a group of Alexander the Greats. Alexander the Great is a figure of Greek legend which states that he conquered the Persian Empire. It also says that he was often reckless with his own life and his soldiers as he believed he was indestructible. This would encourage his men and fill them with confidence as Alexander was a great warrior and Henry’s army will feel equally invincible. Shakespeare’s Elizabethan audience were very interested in Greek culture so the simile would have been more relevant and had more effect than it would on our society who have a lesser interest. Also, in this quote he addresses the ‘noblest English ’while further on he addresses the â€Å"good yeomen.† Henry directly addresses each social class as his army was compiled of a number of different classes, even nationalities. King Henry V was known for uniting people under him as he prevented a civil war between the Church and the Government and th is unity is shown in the scene between Gower, Fluellen, Jamy and MacMorris. This scene also, as James Shapiro suggests, ‘prophetically anticipates the notion of a united kingdom’. Although these nations were far from united in 1599, when the play was written as England and Ireland were at war, and some were very hostile during Henry’s reign. For example, James Shapiro criticizes that Henry says the Scots may attack yet here they are united. This would make each soldier feel important, needed and a friend of the king’s, which would, ultimately, provide the soldiers with confidence to fight, and beat, the French. Likewise, Mark Anthony in Julius Caesar also addresses his crowd individually while manipulating them until they run riot around Rome: â€Å"Friends, Romans, countrymen.† Anthony immediately begins with a three-part list which grabs his audience’s attentions and the first word used is ‘friends’. This instantly makes the crowd warm to him as he is speaking to them as equals. This is similar to Henry who calls his army the ‘noble English’ and ‘good yeomen’, while it contrasts with Brutus who says, â€Å"Romans, countrymen, and lovers†, as if ‘lovers’ is an afterthought. This may hint at why Henry and Anthony were successful at convincing their audience while Brutus failed, because Henry and Anthony allowed the audience to warm to them while Brutus did not. Another way Anthony wins his crowd over is by using repetition: â€Å"And Brutus is an honourable man.† This is repeated at regular intervals throughout his speech and each time it becomes more sarcastic. The sarcastic tone induces the crowd to question whether killing Caesar was an honourable thing. Here, in the same way as Brutus, he uses subliminal messaging; however he uses it against Brutus and to much better effect as the crowd end up rampaging across Rome. In conclusion, Henry and Anthony use rhetoric and their oratorical skills very well – combining repetition, friendly language, and other techniques – to persuade their respective crowds to see their way of thinking. Brutus, however, fails to convince his crowd (or is unable to deliver a speech worthy of Anthony’s) which goes to show how good Anthony’s speech is. Henry manages to convince the Governor to surrender, and convince his battered army to continue, while Anthony manages to convince an audience who love Brutus, to hunt him down. Brutus, on the other hand, cannot prevent the people of Rome from turning against him as he didn’t endear himself to the crowd.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

War of 1812 - Fighting in 1813

War of 1812 - Fighting in 1813 1812: Surprises at Sea Ineptitude on Land | War of 1812: 101 | 1814: Advances in the North A Capital Burned Assessing the Situation In the wake of the failed campaigns of 1812, newly re-elected President James Madison was forced to reassess the strategic situation along the Canadian border. In the Northwest, Major General William Henry Harrison had replaced the disgraced Brigadier General William Hull and was tasked with re-taking Detroit. Diligently training his men, Harrison was checked at the River Raisin and unable to advance without American control of Lake Erie. Elsewhere, New England remained reluctant to play an active role in supporting the war effort making a campaign against Quebec an unlikely prospect. As a result, it was decided to focus American efforts for 1813 on achieving victory on Lake Ontario and the Niagara frontier. Success on this front also required control of the lake. To this end, Captain Isaac Chauncey had been dispatched to Sackets Harbor, NY in 1812 for the purpose of constructing a fleet on Lake Ontario. It was believed that victory in and around Lake Ontario would cut off Upper Cana da and open the way for an attack on Montreal. The Tide Turns at Sea Having achieved stunning success over the Royal Navy in a series of ship-to-ship actions in 1812, the small US Navy sought to continue its run of good form by attacking British merchant ships and remaining on the offensive. To this end, the frigate USS Essex (46 guns) under Captain David Porter, patrolled the South Atlantic scooping up prizes in late 1812, before rounding Cape Horn in January 1813. Seeking to strike the British whaling fleet in the Pacific, Porter arrived at Valparaiso, Chile in March. For the remainder of the year, Porter cruised with great success and inflicted heavy losses on British shipping. Returning to Valparaiso in January 1814, he was blockaded by the British frigate HMS Phoebe (36) and sloop of war HMS Cherub (18). Fearing that additional British ships were en route, Porter attempted to break out on March 28. As Essex exited the harbor, it lost its main topmast in a freak squall. With his ship damaged, Porter was unable to return to port and soon brought to action by the British. Standing off Essex, which was largely armed with short-range carronades, the British pounded Porters ship with their long guns for over two hours ultimately forcing him to surrender. Among those captured on board was young Midshipman David G. Farragut who would later lead the Union Navy during the Civil War. While Porter was enjoying success in the Pacific, the British blockade began to tighten along the American coast keeping many of the US Navys heavy frigates in port. While the effectiveness of the US Navy was hampered, hundreds of American privateers preyed upon British shipping. During the course of the war, they captured between 1,175 and 1,554 British ships. One ship that was at sea early in 1813 was Master Commandant James Lawrences brig USS Hornet (20). On February 24, he engaged and captured the brig HMS Peacock (18) off the coast of South America. Returning home, Lawrence was promoted to captain and given command of the frigate USS Chesapeake (50) at Boston. Completing repairs to ship, Lawrence prepared to put to sea in late May. This was hastened by the fact that only one British ship, the frigate HMS Shannon (52), was blockading the harbor. Commanded by Captain Philip Broke, Shannon was a crack ship with a highly trained crew. Eager to engage the American, Broke issued a cha llenge to Lawrence to meet him in battle. This proved unnecessary as Chesapeake emerged from the harbor on June 1. Possessing a larger, but greener crew, Lawrence sought to continue the US Navys streak of victories. Opening fire, the two ships battered each other before coming together. Ordering his men to prepare to board Shannon, Lawrence was mortally wounded. Falling, his last words were reputedly, Dont give up the Ship! Fight her till she sinks. Despite this encouragement, the raw American sailors were quickly overwhelmed by Shannons crew and Chesapeake was soon captured. Taken to Halifax, it was repaired and saw service in the Royal Navy until being sold in 1820. We Have Met the Enemy... As American naval fortunes were turning at sea, a naval building race was underway on the shores of Lake Erie. In an attempt to regain naval superiority on the lake, the US Navy began construction of two 20-gun brigs at Presque Isle, PA (Erie, PA). In March 1813, the new commander of American naval forces on Lake Erie, Master Commandant Oliver H. Perry, arrived at Presque Isle. Assessing his command, he found that there was a general shortage of supplies and men. While diligently overseeing the construction of the two brigs, named USS Lawrence and USS Niagara, Perry traveled to Lake Ontario in May 1813, to secure additional seamen from Chauncey. While there, he collected several gunboats for use on Lake Erie. Departing from Black Rock, he was nearly intercepted by the new British commander on Lake Erie, Commander Robert H. Barclay. A veteran of Trafalgar, Barclay had arrived at the British base of Amherstburg, Ontario on June 10. Though both sides were hampered by supply issues they worked through the summer to complete their fleets with Perry finishing his two brigs and Barclay commissioning the 19-gun ship HMS Detroit. Having gained naval superiority, Perry was able to cut the British supply lines to Amherstburg forcing Barclay to seek battle. Departing Put-in-Bay on September 10, Perry maneuvered to engage the British squadron. Commanding from Lawrence, Perry flew a large battle flag emblazoned with his friends dying command, Dont Give Up the Ship! In the resulting Battle of Lake Erie, Perry won a stunning victory that saw bitter fighting and the American commander compelled to switch ships midway through the engagement. Capturing the entire British squadron, Perry sent a brief dispatch to Harrison announcing, We have met the enemy and they are ours. 1812: Surprises at Sea Ineptitude on Land | War of 1812: 101 | 1814: Advances in the North A Capital Burned 1812: Surprises at Sea Ineptitude on Land | War of 1812: 101 | 1814: Advances in the North A Capital Burned Victory in the Northwest As Perry was constructing his fleet through the first part of 1813, Harrison was on the defensive in western Ohio. Constructing a major base at Fort Meigs, he repelled an attack led by Major General Henry Proctor and Tecumseh in May. A second attack was turned back in July as well as one against Fort Stephenson (August 1). Building his army, Harrison was ready to go on the offensive in September following Perrys victory on the lake. Moving forward with his Army of the Northwest, Harrison sent 1,000 mounted troops overland to Detroit while the bulk of his infantry was transported there by Perrys fleet. Recognizing the danger of his situation, Proctor abandoned Detroit, Fort Malden, and Amherstburg and began retreating east (Map). Retaking Detroit, Harrison began pursuing the retreating British. With Tecumseh arguing against falling back, Proctor finally turned to make a stand along the Thames River near Moraviantown. Approaching on October 5, Harrison assaulted Proctors position during the Battle of the Thames. In the fighting, the British position was shattered and Tecumseh killed. Overwhelmed, Proctor and a few of his men fled while the majority were captured by Harrisons army. One of the few clear cut American victories of the conflict, the Battle of the Thames effectively won the war in the Northwest for the United States. With Tecumseh dead, the threat of Native American attacks subsided and Harrison concluded an armistice with several tribes at Detroit. Burning a Capital In preparation for the main American push at Lake Ontario, Major General Henry Dearborn was ordered to position 3,000 men at Buffalo for a strike against Forts Erie and George as well as 4,000 men at Sackets Harbor. This second force was to attack Kingston at the upper outlet of the lake. Success on both fronts would sever the lake from Lake Erie and the St. Lawrence River. At Sackets Harbor, Chauncey had rapidly constructed a fleet that had wrested naval superiority away from his British counterpart, Captain Sir James Yeo. The two naval officers would conduct a building war for the remainder of the conflict. Though several naval engagements were fought, neither was willing to risk their fleet in a decisive action. Meeting at Sackets Harbor, Dearborn and Chauncey began to have misgivings about the Kingston operation despite the fact that the objective was only thirty miles away. While Chauncey fretted about possible ice around Kingston, Dearborn was concerned about the size of the Br itish garrison. Instead of striking at Kingston, the two commanders instead elected to conduct a raid against York, Ontario (present-day Toronto). Though of minimal strategic value, York was the capital of Upper Canada and Chauncey had intelligence that two brigs were under construction there. Departing on April 25, Chaunceys ships carried Dearborns troops across the lake to York. Under the direct control of Brigadier General Zebulon Pike, these troops landed on April 27. Opposed by forces under Major General Roger Sheaffe, Pike succeeded in taking the town after a sharp fight. As the British retreated, they detonated their powder magazine killing numerous Americans including Pike. In the wake of the fighting, American troops began looting the town and burned the Parliament Building. After occupying the town for a week, Chauncey and Dearborn withdrew. While a victory, the attack on York did little to alter the strategic outlook on the lake and behavior of the American forces would influence British actions the following year. Triumph and Defeat Along the Niagara Following the York operation, Secretary of War John Armstrong chastised Dearborn for failing to accomplish anything of strategic value and blamed him for Pikes death. In response, Dearborn and Chauncey began shifting troops south for an assault on Fort George in late May. Alerted to this fact, Yeo and the Governor General of Canada, Lieutenant General Sir George Prevost, made immediate plans to attack Sackets Harbor while American forces were occupied along the Niagara. Departing Kingston, they landed outside of the town on May 29 and moved to destroy the shipyard and Fort Tompkins. These operations were quickly disrupted by a mixed regular and militia force led by Brigadier General Jacob Brown of the New York militia. Surrounding the British beachhead, his men poured heavy fire into Prevosts troops and compelled them to withdraw. For his part in the defense, Brown was offered a brigadier generals commission in the regular army. At the other end of the lake, Dearborn and Chauncey moved forward with their attack on Fort George. Again delegating operational command, this time to Colonel Winfield Scott, Dearborn watched as American troops conducted an early morning amphibious assault on May 27. This was supported by a force of dragoons crossing the Niagara River upstream at Queenston which was tasked with cutting off the British line of retreat to Fort Erie. Clashing with Brigadier General John Vincents troops outside of the fort, the Americans succeeded in driving off the British with the aid of naval gunfire support from Chaunceys ships. Forced to surrender the fort and with the route south blocked, Vincent abandoned his posts on the Canadian side of the river and retreated west. As a result, American troops crossed the river and occupied Fort Erie (Map). 1812: Surprises at Sea Ineptitude on Land | War of 1812: 101 | 1814: Advances in the North A Capital Burned 1812: Surprises at Sea Ineptitude on Land | War of 1812: 101 | 1814: Advances in the North A Capital Burned Having lost the dynamic Scott to a broken collarbone, Dearborn ordered Brigadier Generals William Winder and John Chandler west to pursue Vincent. Political appointees, neither possessed significant military experience. On June 5/6, Vincent counterattacked at the Battle of Stoney Creek and succeeded in capturing both generals. On the lake, Chaunceys fleet had departed for Sackets Harbor only to be replaced by Yeos. Threatened from the lake, Dearborn lost his nerve and ordered a withdrawal to a perimeter around Fort George. The situation worsened on June 24, when an American force under Lieutenant Colonel Charles Boerstler was crushed at the Battle of Beaver Dams. For his weak performance, Dearborn was recalled on July 6 and replaced with Major General James Wilkinson. Failure on the St. Lawrence Generally disliked by most officers in US Army for his prewar intrigues in Louisiana, Wilkinson was instructed by Armstrong to strike at Kingston before moving down the St. Lawrence. In doing so he was to link up with forces advancing north from Lake Champlain under Major General Wade Hampton. This combined force would in turn attack Montreal. After stripping the Niagara frontier of most of its troops, Wilkinson prepared to move out. Finding that Yeo had concentrated his fleet at Kingston, he decided to make only a feint in that direction before advancing down the river. To the east, Hampton began moving north toward the border. His advance was hampered by the recent loss of naval superiority on Lake Champlain. This forced him to swing west to the headwaters of the Chateauguay River. Moving downstream, he crossed the border with around 4,200 men after the New York militia refused to leave the country. Opposing Hampton was Lieutenant Colonel Charles de Salaberry who possessed a mixed force of around 1,500 men. Occupying a strong position approximately fifteen miles below the St. Lawrence, de Salaberrys men fortified their line and waited for the Americans. Arriving on October 25, Hampton surveyed the British position and attempted to flank it. In a minor engagement known as the Battle of the Chateauguay, these efforts were repulsed. Believing the British force to be larger than it was, Hampton broke off the action and returned south. Moving forward, Wilkinsons 8,000-men force left Sackets Harbor on October 17. In poor health and taking heavy doses of laudanum, Wilkinson pushed downstream with Brown leading his vanguard. His force was pursued by an 800-man British force led by Lieutenant Colonel Joseph Morrison. Tasked with delaying Wilkinson so additional troops could reach Montreal, Morrison proved an effective annoyance to the Americans. Tired of Morrison, Wilkinson dispatched 2,000 men under Brigadier General John Boyd to attack the British. Striking on November 11, they assaulted the British lines at the Battle of Cryslers Farm. Repulsed, Boyds men were soon counterattacked and driven from the field. Despite this defeat, Wilkinson pressed on toward Montreal. Reaching the mouth of the Salmon River and having learned that Hampton had retreated, Wilkinson abandoned the campaign, re-crossed the river, and went into winter quarters at French Mills, NY. The winter saw Wilkinson and Hampton exchange letters with Arm strong over who was to blame for the campaigns failure. A Dismal End As the American thrust towards Montreal was coming to an end, the situation on the Niagara frontier reached a crisis. Stripped of troops for Wilkinsons expedition, Brigadier General George McClure decided to abandon Fort George in early December after learning that Lieutenant General George Drummond was approaching with British troops. Retiring across the river to Fort Niagara, his men burned the village of Newark, ON before departing. Moving into Fort George, Drummond began preparations to assault Fort Niagara. This moved forward on December 19 when his forces overwhelmed the forts small garrison. Outraged over the burning of Newark, British troops moved south and razed Black Rock and Buffalo on December 30. While 1813 had started with great hope and promise for the Americans, the campaigns on the Niagara and St. Lawrence frontiers met with failure similar to those of the year before. As in 1812, the smaller British forces had proved adept campaigners and the Canadians showed a willingness to fight to protect their homes rather than throw off the yoke of British rule. Only in the Northwest and Lake Erie did American forces achieve an undisputed victory. While the triumphs of Perry and Harrison helped bolster national morale, they occurred in arguably the least important theater of the war as victory on Lake Ontario or the St. Lawrence would have caused British forces around Lake Erie to whither on the vine. Forced to endure another long winter, the American public was subjected to a tightening blockade and the threat of increased British strength in the spring as the Napoleonic Wars neared an end. 1812: Surprises at Sea Ineptitude on Land | War of 1812: 101 | 1814: Advances in the North A Capital Burned

Monday, October 21, 2019

Quintilian - Marcus Fabius Quintilianus

Quintilian - Marcus Fabius Quintilianus Influence: A first century A.D. Roman who came to prominence under Emperor Vespasian, Quintilian wrote about education and rhetoric, exerting a strong influence in the schools the Romans spread throughout the Empire. His influence on education continued from his day until the 5th century. It was revived briefly in the 12th century in France. The Humanists at the end of the 14th century renewed interest in Quintilian and a complete text of his Institutio Oratoria was found in Switzerland. It was first printed in Rome in 1470. Birth of Quintilian: Marcus Fabius Quintilianus (Quintilian) was born c. A.D. 35 in Calagurris, Spain. His father may have taught rhetoric there. Training: Quinitilian went to Rome when he was about 16. The orator Domitius Afer (d. A.D. 59), who held office under Tiberius, Caligula, and Nero, taught him. After his teachers death, he returned to Spain. Quintilian and the Roman Emperors: Quintilian returned to Rome with emperor-to-be Galba, in A.D. 68. In A.D. 72, he was one of the rhetoricians to receive a subsidy from Emperor Vespasian. Illustrious Pupils: Pliny the Younger was one of Quintilians students. Tacitus and Suetonius may also have been his students. He also taught Domitians two grandnephews. Public Recognition: In A.D. 88, Quintilian was made the head of the first public school of Rome, according to Jerome.Source:Quintilian on the Teaching of Speaking and Writing. Edited by James J. Murphy. 1987. Institutio Oratio: In c. A.D. 90, he retired from teaching. He then wrote his Institutio Oratoria. For Quintilian, the ideal orator or rhetorician was skilled in speaking and also a moral man (vir bonus dicendi peritus). James J. Murphy describes the Institutio Oratoria as a treatise on education, a manual of rhetoric, a readers guide to the best authors, and a handbook of the moral duties of the orator. Although much of what Quintilian writes is similar to Cicero, Quintilian emphasizes teaching. The Death of Quintilian: When Quintilian died is unknown, but it is thought to have been prior to A.D. 100. Go to other Ancient / Classical History pages on Roman men beginning with the letters: A-G | H-M | N-R | S-Z

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Spanish Verbs Taking Indirect-Object Pronouns

Spanish Verbs Taking Indirect-Object Pronouns Generally, the difference between an  direct object of a verb and an indirect object of a verb is that a direct object is what or whom the verb acts upon, while the indirect object is the beneficiary and/or person that is affected by the verb. Thus in a simple sentence such as Le darà © el libro (I will give him the book), el libro (the book) is the direct object because its the thing being given, and le (him) is the indirect object because it refers to the person receiving the book. However, there are some verbs that use indirect-object pronouns even though those of us who speak English as a first language would probably think of them as using direct-object pronouns. One example would be a translation of the sentence I dont understand him (where him is a direct object) as No le entiendo or No le comprendo (where le is an indirect-object pronoun). (In this case, it is possible to say No lo entiendo or No lo comprendo, but the meaning would be different: I dont understand it.) Gustar and Similar Verbs The most common type of verb using an indirect-object pronoun where it might not seem intuitive to English speakers is a verb such as gustar, which means to please: Le gustaba el libro. The book pleased him/her. (This sentence would often be translated as he/she liked the book.) Although usage can vary with region and individuals, verbs like gustar are often used with the subject following the verb. Here are some examples taken from writings of native speakers: A la actriz le sorprendià ³ que hubiera un Starbucks en Espaà ±a. (The actress was surprised there was a  Starbucks in Spain. Le isnt translated to English here and in some sentences below because in the translation it is represented by the sentences subject.)No le agradà ³ la decisià ³n. (The decision didnt please him/her. He/she didnt like the decision.)A los daneses les encantan las salchichas. (The Danish love sausages.)A los soldados les faltan pelotas de golf. (The soldiers lack golf balls.)A ella no le interesaba la polà ­tica. (Politics didnt interest her. She wasnt interested in politics.)A los internautas les preocupan los virus, la privacidad, y el malware. (Viruses, privacy, and malware worry Internet users.) Verbs of Communication It is common when using verbs of communication - examples include hablar (to speak) and decir (to tell) - to use indirect-object pronouns. The logic behind this is that the speaker is communicating something, and that something is the direct object, and the person spoken to is the recipient. Le hablaron y no sabà ­a nada. (They spoke to him, and he/she didnt know anything.)Vas a ser madre, le dijeron. (Youre going to be a mother, they told her.)Voy a telefonearle de inmediato. (I am going to call him/her immediately.) Other Verbs A dozen or so verbs, several of them involving instruction or understanding, use the indirect object when the object is a person. Les enseà ±aban con un manual donde Tierra del Fuego pertenecà ­a a Chile. (They taught them with a book where Tierra del Fuego belonged to Chile.)No le creo, Sr. Hernndez. (I dont believe you, Mrs. Hernandez. No lo creo would mean I dont understand it.)El primer ministro dice que le inquieta la crisis humanitaria. (The prime minister says the humanitarian crisis worries him.)Hay veces que no le entiendo por su pronunciacià ³n. (There are times I dont understand her because of her pronunciation.) ¿Y si no le obedezco? (And if I dont obey him?) Usage Depending on Verb's Meaning Some verbs use an indirect object when they have certain meanings but a direct object otherwise: Pegar when it means to hit rather than to stick: A à ©l le pegaron con un bate en la cabeza. (They hit him with a bat in the head.)Recordar usually uses when it means to remind rather than to remember: Le recordamos muchas veces. (We remind him often.)Tocar when it means to be someones turn rather than to touch: A Catarina le tocaba. (It was Catarinas turn.)Discutir when it means to answer back rather than to discuss or to debate. El estudiante le discutà ­a de igual a igual. (The student answered him back as one equal to another.)

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Corporate Law Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Corporate Law - Assignment Example The minority shareholders are often acknowledged as institutional investors among different business entities who play a limited function in influencing the background of corporate governance construction. This is majorly due to the fact that the presence of the majority shareholders within a business firm owning the rights to partially control its decision making process often facilitates significant sources of conflicts affecting the interests of the minority shareholders. It is worth mentioning in this regard that the minority shareholders posses certain rights which may be accessible in accordance with any ‘state close corporation laws’. These rights generally include amending corporate by-laws, voting during the election of the directors and organizing as well as managing annual meetings related with the shareholders among others as mentioned in the articles of association and memorandum. It has often been observed that the minority shareholders or the institutional investors find it to be quite challenging to exercise the aforementioned rights in a smooth way witnessing minimum disruptions. This is simply because the majority shareholders tend to dominantly control the business operations as they bear large proportion or percentage of shares along with various decision-making rights concerning the corporate governance structure of the particular entity. As the majority shareholders possess a maximum quantity of shares, it has been viewed that the interests of minority shareholders are being oppressed by several means.

Affects of Interest Rates on Consumption in the UK Dissertation

Affects of Interest Rates on Consumption in the UK - Dissertation Example Government has so far used interest rate effectively for enhancing the consumption pattern of the consumers in the retail sector. But at present, it seems that lowering the interest rates has become ineffective in the economy. Thus, the objective of the research has been set to find the actual effect of the interest rate changes on the consumption pattern of the people during the period from the year 2004 to 2009. Based on the entire research problem, comprehensive research question has been developed and respective research has been conducted. The section of literature review has provided findings of previous research conducted on the topic. The review findings has added value to the entire research situation. Qualitative research approach has been applied to the research with the aim that the scope can be broadened up. Survey has been conducted on the sample selected from the entire population which is the retailers and consumers of the UK nation. Findings of the survey suggest res ults complacent to the literature review. Along with the answer to research question, few more aspects of the economic nature have also been dealt with in the research paper. Table of Contents Abstract 2 Chapter 1: Introduction 6 1.1 Research Problem 7 1.2 Background of the Problem 8 1.3 Research Questions 9 1.4 Significance of the Research Study 10 1.5 Method of Solving the Research Problem 10 1.6 Structure of the Dissertation 11 Chapter 2: Literature Review 13 2.1 Interest Rate Fluctuation 13 ... of Marketing in Retail Sector in the Year 2008 and 2009 25 2.11 Interest Rates Effect on the UK Consumption with Respect to Inflation 27 2.12 Summary of the Literature Review 28 Chapter 3: Research Methodology 29 3.1 Research Philosophy 29 3.2 Research Approach 31 3.2.1 Qualitative or Quantitative 31 3.2.2 Deductive or Inductive 32 3.2.3 Subjective or Objective 33 3.3 Research Tradition 33 3.3.1 Ethnography 34 3.3.2 Grounded Theory 34 3.3.3 Ethnomethodology 35 3.3.4 Action Research 35 3.4 Research Strategy 36 3.4.1 Purpose 36 3.4.2 Design 37 Figure 3: Planned Research Design 38 3.4.3 Data Collection 39 39 3.4.4 Validity and Reliability of the Data 40 3.4.5 Data Analysis 41 3.5 Ethical Issues 41 3.5.1 Protection 42 3.5.2 Consent 42 3.5.3 Authenticity 42 3.5.4 Unbiased 43 Chapter 4: Findings and Analysis 45 4.1 Analysis of the Retailers’ Questionnaire 46 4.1.1 Retailers’ Question 1 46 4.1.2 Retailers’ Question 2 49 4.1.3 Retailers’ Question 3 51 4.1.4 Retail ers’ Question 4 52 4.1.5 Retailers’ Question 5 55 4.1.6 Retailers’ Question 6 56 4.1.7 Retailers’ Question 7 59 Figure 10: Percentage of Respondents 60 4.1.8 Retailers’ Question 8 60 4.2 Analysis of the Consumers’ Questionnaire 63 4.2.1 Consumers’ Question 1 63 4.2.2 Consumers’ Question 2 64 4.2.3 Consumers’ Question 3 66 4.2.4 Consumers’ Question 4 67 4.2.5 Consumers’ Question 5 68 4.2.6 Consumers’ Question 6 69 4.2.7 Consumers’ Question 7 70 Chapter 5: Conclusion 72 5.1 Research Question 72 5.2 Limitations 73 5.3 Final Words 73 5.4 Future Prospects 74 75 References 76 Bibliography 80 Annexure 1: Questionnaire for the Retailers 81 Annexure 2: Questions for the Consumers 85 Chapter 1: Introduction The research paper has been framed to discuss the present scenario in the UK economy

Friday, October 18, 2019

Critical Analysis of The Abortion by Alice Walker Essay

Critical Analysis of The Abortion by Alice Walker - Essay Example He then throws the dice back at her by saying, â€Å"well, think about it†. For Imani, abortion is not an easy process to undergo, having lost most of her blood during her school days. Clarence tells her to think about what she wants to do with the baby; and the writer makes a mental statement that â€Å"it was all she did think about†. The man is seen as preoccupied with his job, even going to an extent of performing family duties, for instance, dropping his wife at the airport, with his boss by his side. Abortion is always known to be an issue when procured out of marriage, but this family carries its struggles to their home as Imani is tired of having more children since she needs to focus on her career. She cannot bear another child because her husband is not supporting her in handling family chores. It is told in the story that despite her weakness due to haemorrhage, she goes out of her comfort zones and struggles to bathe her child. Alice Walker is an award winni ng author, known for telling stories of human experiences in addressing issues of gender equality and social injustices. Thesis statement Having an unwanted pregnancy is a painful experience, and the woman bears the greatest responsibility in making decisions on termination or giving birth. In defending this thesis statement according to the story, the writer gives a lot of pointers to show how the man is a passive participant in this process. Clarence (Imani’s husband) is a young man, dedicated to the service of his boss who eats up most of his family time as he is the legal advisor to the mayor. â€Å"Clarence was dedicated to the mayor, and believed his success would mean security and advancement for all of them†. This statement shows the egocentric nature of these men in Imani’s life. Clarence is preoccupied with his career advancement concerns to such an extent that he mixes office duties with private life. Despite the writer exposing him as a responsible m an who works hard to fend for the family, this is not enough to keep a united home. Their matrimonial bed â€Å"is king sized with a forbidding ridge in the middle (Walker, p. 210).† The mayor is just a depiction of the mean nature of men; he does not notice Imani’s presence when they are in the dining table. He gives full concentration to Clarence, not even having a quick glance at his wife when she makes a point. Gender defined roles is brought to the fore since the mayor only gives her props when he acknowledges her meals and hairdo. This means that a woman’s role is restricted to the kitchen and within the domestic domains. On her abortion trip to New York, the mayor has scheduled a working lunch with her husband. This is so insensitive since the man is supposed to provide emotional support to the partner during such delicate times. In the car to the airport, they engage in talks about municipal funds; this could have provided the best opportunity for Claren ce to say last words with his wife as he is not accompanying her to New York. At the lounge, he tells her â€Å"take care of yourself†, as he walks away to a waiting car (Walker, p. 212). As she heads to take her flight, she makes a mental statement analysing what Clarence had just said: â€Å"taking care of myself, is what I have to do†. She had expected her husband to accompany her for the trip but it seems his mind was set on drafting municipality

Ernst and Young - Marketing for financial services Research Paper

Ernst and Young - Marketing for financial services - Research Paper Example ‘Ernst and Young’ has a very strong Internet presence. The company through its website has helped the external stakeholders get a view of the different activities that the firm undertakes in the field of Financial Services Consulting. Moreover, the different industries which the consulting firms cater on a worldwide basis are also listed in the website. Further, the philosophy and core values of the company are also listed in the company website of Ernst and Young. The website is created to generate information about its liaison activities through publishing information of events during international conferences and press meets (Ernst & Young, 2010). Ernst and Young through the use of Internet have endeavored to go for a brand extension (Rigopoulou, n.d.) It has helped the company in finding out newer markets which in turn has helped in greatly reducing the sales and operational cost of the company. Through the advent of electronic commerce, terms like Business to Busine ss Commerce and Business to Consumer Commerce have come into existence where the activities of business has crossed the boundaries of regions and nations. The company through the development of networking activities can participate on an international scale in trade fairs and exhibitions where they can generate a mass appeal and get consumers’ response (Dransfield, Richards & Dooley, 2004; Neild & Carysforth, 2004, p. 377).

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Work-Life Balance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1

Work-Life Balance - Essay Example Work-Life Balance As one of the CEOs has noted, people working for him need to have phones even in the bathrooms. Traditionally, business ethics is focused on the morality of action. Therefore, overwork and work-related stress caused by the lack of opportunity to spend enough time with family is the ethical problem which needs to be addressed. Mary in the mother of two small children and is the manager of the large department of the growing company. One day she faces the following situation: her children are sick, but she has to give the major presentation to 200 people who have traveled hundreds of miles to hear it. What should be done? The one may answer that Mary should rather take care of the children. While, most of the people would agree that the job will suffer if Marry blows this off. For most working men and women this situation is the reality, even in those companies which pay enough benefits for maternity leave and have other policies of flexible employment. Over the last 20 years, the hours people spend at workplace has raised steadily. According to the statistics, more than 40 percent of American employees feel that their workload in excessive. Moreover, the average working week (40 hours) does not provide sufficient income for the families. Another factor why people overwork is downsizing and the fear to lose the job. Downsizing has created the surplus in workload as well as increased insecurity – employees feel they need to do extra job or they will lose their place in the company. Such situations are morally questionable about the ethical right of employers asking the employees to do the extra job. Despite of the causes or motivators why people spend more and more time at work, finding the work-life balance has become the major ethical dilemma not only for working mothers, but also for the working husbands and fathers. Changes and Dilemma Resolution The ethical dilemma of work-life balance has been addressed by many organizations. In particular, the federal government of United States has introduced the flexible working hours and child care in 1996 (Deckman 1996). In 1996, the number of working mothers increased and organizations were forced to find the new ways to provide them with the opportunity to balance work and non-work priorities. The following changes were introduced into employment practices: flexible work schedules, on-site child care, flexible leave policies and other benefits. These were the first significant initiatives aimed at enabling employees to meet their family responsibilities. The special attention should be devoted to the flexible work schedules which were supposed to relief working parents from work-life balance ethical strain. First, the flextime means the system of work scheduling when the working day is split into two time periods: core time and flexible time. Employees are obligated to be at work during the core time and are accountable for the total number of hours scheduled to work (Deckman 1996). Unfortunately, there are very few studies available concerning the flexible scheduling benefits and even less studies addressing the impact of flextime on employee's family life. Employers might think that flextime is the solution for all employees in helping to balance work and life; nevertheless, the research indicates that there is only insignificant difference between the stress of parents who do and do not use the flexible work

Why should students attend college to obtain a education Essay

Why should students attend college to obtain a education - Essay Example By exploring specific subjects, college education opens up the mind of the learners to gain more life changing skills that are essential to achieving better careers in life. Therefore, this paper determines the economic and social value of college education in contrast to what students learn in high school. Thompson (193) argues that most of the academic statistics in the United States indicates that the majority of students attend high school education to unlock their potential for better opportunities in life. It is cited that college education is an economical avenue for a better work and to earn more money. For instance, more people high school graduate would willing to attend a college education only to secure a well paying job as compared to their status of employment. Because high school job opportunities characterized by low, paying jobs such as janitors that do not require any professional experience to perform. In addition, some people attend college education to increase the knowledge skill, for people who envision educational objective go through college education just to gain sound education and get an open mind than those who may not have attained such qualifications. College education also empowers the life of an individual. The main reason being that, better-educated persons’ understand issues that improve daily lives of existence. Professional experience that enables a person to interpret financial statements and vital documents give a person more powers to govern his life. College education contributes immensely to the growing reward of investment decision. In essence, the firstborns in most families do find themselves automatically attending such education due to pressure from the family. The logic behind this is based on economic returns because a father who does not have college education will strive and ensure that his children excel beyond high school level (Thompson 193). According to Thompson

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Work-Life Balance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1

Work-Life Balance - Essay Example Work-Life Balance As one of the CEOs has noted, people working for him need to have phones even in the bathrooms. Traditionally, business ethics is focused on the morality of action. Therefore, overwork and work-related stress caused by the lack of opportunity to spend enough time with family is the ethical problem which needs to be addressed. Mary in the mother of two small children and is the manager of the large department of the growing company. One day she faces the following situation: her children are sick, but she has to give the major presentation to 200 people who have traveled hundreds of miles to hear it. What should be done? The one may answer that Mary should rather take care of the children. While, most of the people would agree that the job will suffer if Marry blows this off. For most working men and women this situation is the reality, even in those companies which pay enough benefits for maternity leave and have other policies of flexible employment. Over the last 20 years, the hours people spend at workplace has raised steadily. According to the statistics, more than 40 percent of American employees feel that their workload in excessive. Moreover, the average working week (40 hours) does not provide sufficient income for the families. Another factor why people overwork is downsizing and the fear to lose the job. Downsizing has created the surplus in workload as well as increased insecurity – employees feel they need to do extra job or they will lose their place in the company. Such situations are morally questionable about the ethical right of employers asking the employees to do the extra job. Despite of the causes or motivators why people spend more and more time at work, finding the work-life balance has become the major ethical dilemma not only for working mothers, but also for the working husbands and fathers. Changes and Dilemma Resolution The ethical dilemma of work-life balance has been addressed by many organizations. In particular, the federal government of United States has introduced the flexible working hours and child care in 1996 (Deckman 1996). In 1996, the number of working mothers increased and organizations were forced to find the new ways to provide them with the opportunity to balance work and non-work priorities. The following changes were introduced into employment practices: flexible work schedules, on-site child care, flexible leave policies and other benefits. These were the first significant initiatives aimed at enabling employees to meet their family responsibilities. The special attention should be devoted to the flexible work schedules which were supposed to relief working parents from work-life balance ethical strain. First, the flextime means the system of work scheduling when the working day is split into two time periods: core time and flexible time. Employees are obligated to be at work during the core time and are accountable for the total number of hours scheduled to work (Deckman 1996). Unfortunately, there are very few studies available concerning the flexible scheduling benefits and even less studies addressing the impact of flextime on employee's family life. Employers might think that flextime is the solution for all employees in helping to balance work and life; nevertheless, the research indicates that there is only insignificant difference between the stress of parents who do and do not use the flexible work

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Jackson and The Cherokee ( The Trail of Tears ) Essay

Jackson and The Cherokee ( The Trail of Tears ) - Essay Example His tribe is almost becoming extinct (Cherokee, para 2). The state of Georgia, our neighbors, is forcing us to relinquish our possessions for their benefit. It is unfortunate that also the President of the United States has failed to come to our aid, and has instead ruled in favor of the Georgians. We are left wondering what other rights do we enjoy if we cannot allowed to enjoy living peacefully on our God-given land, the land we inherited from our forefathers (Cherokee, para 4). The Cherokees have always fulfilled their engagements with the United States and have never reclaimed the portions of sovereignty which was surrendered by the treaties of Hopewell and Holston. Our people have always trusted their country to the guaranty of the United States. If this guaranty fails, we do not have anybody to trust, and we do not even know where to look for protection (Cherokee, para 6) Out of these atrocities and insecurity, we are pleading to the General Government to offer us new homes, and should also propose to pay the whole expense of the removal and settlement. We hope our pleas will be acted

Monday, October 14, 2019

The United States economic Essay Example for Free

The United States economic Essay In trying to rescue the United States economic financial system there is a possibility of the economy to be affect by massive hangovers from the effort of the government to prevent the accumulation of debt. The government instead has found a swift way of stimulating the economy through the financial bailout. The government wishes to take a mountain of accumulated debts due to bad loans caused by financial institution as a result of subprime mortgage lending. The debt is worth $700 billion of money. To have this debt clear under the bailout bill so that the economy can be stimulated to grow, the united government had no other option other than borrowing. For the borrowing to be successful, it had be done when the there is soaring of the federal budget deficit. The deficit for the year 2008 was expected to increase by $407 billion which was double the imbalance for year 2007 worth $161. 5 which indicated a slowdown in the economy. However, as from 2008 up to now, $168 billion programs of economic stimulus are already doing in the books of government. The passed congress legislation gave authority to have the Fannie and Freddie be rescued which resulted into the boosting of national debt. The legislation the administration late authorized the bailout financial system (Bernanke, 2008, 1). The implementation of the financial bailout as an economic stimulus has caused a lot of concern on what long term affects it poses to the United States economy. The issue here is, as the government is borrowing to offset the already existing debt, the debt instead is expanding from time to time. To pay the national debt interest the government is spending not less that $400 billion each year. As the debt increases, the cost of government borrowing also goes up and therefore leading to some of the indented programs in settling that existing debt to be awarded less money. Due to financial crises of the year 2008 the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) has eased the stance of the monetary policy. The FOMC has consistently relaxed the monetary policy which has stabilized the prices giving hopes to increase of economic slack and flattering-out of the energy prices. FOMC after the implementation of the monetary policy anticipates the economic strengthening over this quarter as the previous lagged monetary policy action effects, amid improvement of the conditions of financial market has starts to provide extra spending and stabilization of the housing activities. Despite the implementation of the monetary policy in the year 2007 and up to the early 2008 the economic growth slowed sharply. In 2007 the restrain on activities concentrated on the housing sector, where as in year 2008 the other sectors of economy began to experience this. The prices of commodities have remained high for the whole year causing consumer price inflation (Bernanke, 2008, 23). The demand on houses, construction of residential home and prices of homes have fallen sharply in the year 2008. In the first few months of 2008 the delinquency rate continued to go down across all mortgage loans. New subprime mortgage loans has been highly unavailable for that year making the borrowers to experience high risk of credit which had to go for the guarantee programs offered by the government. Due to this, the Federal Reserve with the other stakeholders is now committed to come up with a solution that will prevent the foreclosure of the houses. The Federal Reserve is committed to offer an environment that gives support to goals of the homeownership of giving loans to borrowers who are creditworthy with ideal protection of the consumer and responsible practices of lending. On the issue of consumer spending has been going down for the whole of 2008 which is an indication of restrained influence. The real labor income growth rate has gone down ass the prices of energy and food, and conditions of labor market continue to weaken. This has affected the consumer purchasing power. In addition to this, it has been difficult for consumers to borrow as the standards and the terms have been tightened. This has led to deterioration of the quality of the overall credit of consumer loans (Bernanke, 2008, 30). On the side of business sector, the financial and economic conditions that influence spending of capital have appreciably deteriorated. During the months of 2008 the real outlay for business software and equipments were flat. The inventories have decreases irrespective of sluggish final sales making the firms to act promptly to prevent the imbalances of inventory from arising. The United States corporate profit during the same time was very low. The weakening of corporate profit and tight conditions of credit has resulted to slow down of business investment. Loans of Commercial and Industrial at banks in the firs months of 2008 briskly expanded. In the same period the quality of credit in nonfinancial corporations remained solid. As a result of this banks tightened the standards of credit on commercial loans of real estates. To conclude, the economic stimulus act is approximated to result to rebates worth $115 billion which will be sent to the households by the end of 2009 (Bernanke, 2008, 35). Work cited Bernanke Ben. Monetary Policy Report to the Congress. Washington, D. C. , July 15, 2008, pp. 1-42

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Alas, Babylon :: essays research papers

Alas, Babylon Essay   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In the book Alas, Babylon, the author, Pat Frank, discusses the condition of the human race. Mainly, his view differs from others because rather than write about the countries in a nuclear war, he writes about people living in the countries that are involved in that war. His discusses these peoples’ progress, both technological and moral, as well as their use of power. These topics make the book as intriguing as it is to read.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Frank, rather than talk about all mankind’s technological advances, talks about how they have hindered man. He says that we have become dependant on these discoveries. He shows this when Dan Gunn and Mark take turns telling Randy all these things that he has, such as a nice car and a refrigerator, are useless when nuclear fallout occurs. It seems that man cannot function for even one minute without using things that were not even available fifty or one hundred years ago. Frank is warning us that there may be a time when we will need to retain the lifestyle of the nineteenth century, and only the people who have the knowledge of this way of life will be fine.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Frank has an interesting view on the way man has progressed morally. I think that he says that we don’t really know our morals until we have them truly questioned. In this he implies that the people who have strong morals, not only will stay true to them, but will survive. An example of this is Randy Bragg. Randy, on the day of nuclear fallout, stopped on the side of the road to help a woman. This shows that he has respect for the human race as a whole. The opposite of this was Edgar Quisenbury. Edgar valued nothing but money. In the end, the absence of money caused Edgar to become an example of Darwin’s â€Å"Only the strong† theory as he shot himself.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Power is addressed in the book as something that Americans do not take seriously. The use of this power is not shown so much as who is in power. I will use three examples of this. Bubbah Offenhouse was in charge of making everyone aware of what to do in case of fallout. However, he chose not to even hand out information on this because he didn’t want to think about it.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

The Makings of a Good Lawman :: Television Media TV Essays

The Makings of a Good Lawman Gunsmoke is about the violence that moved throughout the west and the united states marshal Matt Dillon along with his sidekick Chester, who moved along solving the crimes and lending a hand to anyone who needed it along the way. The staring cast of Gunsmoke was William Conrad as Matt Dillon, Howard McNear as Doc, Parley Baer as Chester, Georgia Ellis as Kitty. Usually the west is describes as a time in history filled with outlaws, gun fights, ghost towns, wagon journeys along trails, it was a time when people picked up and moved hearing of the next booming city where more gold can be found, more money to be made or the way of life was better than before. In Gunsmoke Matt Dillon is an independent, compassionate, caring, attentive, and determined person. In The Sutler, Matt Dillon it upon himself as he listens to a friend Mr. Jonas speak about a problem he has had with a man named Dale. Matt Dillon goes to the army fort to speak with the Lieutenant in charge about Dale. He is brushed off but persists in making him understand. In Prairie Happy the people of Dodge are getting ready for the Pawnees to attack. Mr. Chooksberry starts a fire and kills two men. Marshal Dillon Speaks with him and still puts him to bed. Chooksberry went to trial due to his daughter speaking on his behalf Chooksberry was a Pawnee. In There was never a Horse Marshal Dillon was backed down in a saloon by Mr. Ken Creed he is purposefully letting everyone know that he made the Marshal back down. Matt Dillons sense of self-reliance is that In Sutler he took it upon himself to gather information and created roadblocks along the route to and from the fort in order to catch Dale. In Prairie Happy Marshal Dillon remained calm while the city of Dodge was moving around trying to protect themselves the Marshal was the only one that thought about it and said that only an Indian would know when they would attack and not leave it so that the City of Dodge knew that they were going to attack. Chooksberry never spoke again in English only in Pawnee and Marshal Dillon was still concerned enough to allow his daughter to go to trial with him ; In There was never a Horse Marshal Matt allows himself to look like a fool no matter what other say.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Chacter Sketch Miss Brill Essay

Katherine Mansfield illustrates in the story the protagonist Miss Brill as a middle aged women with no family that believes she has a social life, which consists of watching other people interact with each other. Mansfield parallels Miss Brill with the fur she keeps wrapped up in a box until Sunday. She demonstrates a dynamic character that receives a reality check from the â€Å"real† world where she belongs rather than in a chimerical world she made up. Mansfield creates a colorful character who symbolizes her old, worn fur and lacks the reality of the outside world. Mansfield’s parallelism between Miss Brill and her fur shows the reader that Miss Brill stays in a box in a dark closet until Sunday when she â€Å"acts† in the play of the outside world. Mansfield describes the fur’s eyes asking â€Å"what has happened to me?† as Miss Brill had to â€Å"rub some life back into its dim little eyes † after it sat in the box for some period of time. Just like the fur Miss Brill stays bottled up in box in her apartment until Sunday when she goes to watch the band play. Both the fur and Miss Brill have aged and do not leave their perimeter until Miss Brill’s cue to enter the stage of the world. The outside world helps to sculpt Miss Brill into a dynamic charter. The realization of the outside world and her view change on the world around her allows her to wed the name of a dynamic character. Miss Brill forms a world of her own that she lives through. She sees all of the people she observes as â€Å"just coming from dark, little rooms or even- even cupboards. † In reality Miss Brill is the one that hides in the cupboard from the outside world until Sunday when she liberates herself from the dark room. She lives her social life through the lives of the people around her. She believes she interacts with the outside world and that she had a vital role in the play that the world undergoes. Miss Brill soon learns that her presence does not have a great impact on her peers as their presence does on her. During the performance of the band Miss Brill pays more attention to the conversations of the people she sits next to then the performance. As she ease dropped on a young couple she over heard them mocking her. Miss Brill realizes that she does not have the same importance to them as they do to her. Her chimerical world bursts as she becomes exposed to the real world and the realization of  her importance. The comprehension of the real world has a severe importance to Miss Brill. If Miss Brill did not come to a realization of the outside world she would follow the footsteps of Willy Loman from A Death of a Salesman. Willy Loman lacked realization of the real world just as Miss Brill did. His delusional behavior and lack of connection with the real world lead to his suicide. If Miss Brill did not understand her mirage of the world she might have landed in the grave just as Willy Loman had. The protagonist Miss Brill faces the antagonist of reality. She comprehends that she has lived in a fantasy world that revolved around her having the same impact on everyone as they do on her. If she did not come to an understanding she would have followed in the footsteps of the delusional Willy Loman who committed suicide. Mansfield parallels Miss Brill and her fur because both have aged and do not leave their boxes until Sunday. The story informs the reader that sometimes elderly and lonely people live in made up world and when welcomed back into reality have a hard time cooping with it.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

John Nash

Using the current Diagnostic and Statistical Manual for Mental Disorders (DSM IV-TR) John Nash has been given the primary diagnosis of being undifferentiated. Plus abnormalities of the brain structure and function, disorganized speech and behavior, delusions, and hallucinations. Nash often has panic attacks, withdrawal from social activities, and loss of attention to personal hygiene and grooming, and the inability to separate real form unreal events. John Nash is classified under Undifferentiated Type because he had a number of symptoms such as delusions, disorganized behavior, disorganized speech, and hallucinations. He believes he is being forced to work for the government to decipher codes. That they inserted a coded chip in order to keep track of him, and if he doesn’t comply with their wishes, they will expose him to the Russians, who in turn will kill him. This interferes with his personal and work life tremendously. He also thought the imaginary person William Parcher, who belonged to the United States Department of Defense, was out to get him. In his mind, William Parcher was black-mailing him to do as he was told, or the US government would have him killed. I also believe that Nash could also be classified with anxiety and depression because after leaving the mental hospital, he wasn’t able to work, wasn’t able to properly take care of his child, or even feel attracted to his wife. Axis II: Schizophrenia Nash would be determined best under Schizotypical Personality. Nash has excessive social anxiety at times, few or no close friends, paranoia and suspiciousness, and odd disorganized speech. Axis III: John had a late onset of symptoms starting at around age 30. His first hallucination was that of a roommate who moved in shortly after he started at Princeton. His Thoughts are delusional and paranoid. He thought no one liked him and he had no close friends or relationships. He thought that every one of his peers where beneath him. He also thought he was a government agent. He thought people where following him, and he would show paranoid behavior by looking out the windows and over his shoulder. Axis IV: John Nash is a 51 year old, Caucasian male. He has a family wife and child,and is exceptionally smart. Nash’s stress can be blamed on his wife not understanding his problem or he felt like she did not believe him. Another is when Nash came home from the mental hospital and was brought into a house with a new child, which would be a big environmental stressor. He did not know how to take care of the child properly. Also, a new job promotion at Princeton University was also a stressor. Axis V— between 31 and 40 On the Global Assessment of Functioning Scale, I believe Nash is in between 31 and 40. John Nash had disorganized speech and disorganized thoughts. John Nash is extremely intelligent has no learning disorder and also had a strange fixation with mathematics. Treatment: Some medication individual psychotherapy so that the Nash can get regularly talked to, focuses on current and past events or problems, experiences, thoughts and feelings. Cognitive-Behavioral Conclusion: John Nash will probably never be completely cured of his mental disorders but the treatment plan that I recommended for him should make him suitable to certain thing so that he can fit into a normal society.

Essay Exemplar

It is only thin mathematics, wherein a binary truth-false system holds that we are able to discern a true from a false. This essay will argue that, within mathematics, the claim to an absolute truth is warped and self-contradicting, and as a result, processes that search for truths outside mathematics are to be contained within their respective realms of applicability. In other words, the soundness of a truth should not be based on an absolute dichotomy, but rather as a spectrum of validity where locality and scope are cornerstones of validity.Let us however, allow this essay to begin the discussion by assuming that such absolute distinctions are plausible. In mathematics, a truth is defined as any statement that can be deduced from a logical, valid, sound process with the respective given assumptions. In other words, a truth is something that, assuming the same axioms, should follow directly with the irrefutable laws of logic. A falsehood must therefore be any statement or claim tha t cannot be sustained by a valid logical process with the given assumptions. Let's take the example of Pythagoras, whose famous theorem is ubiquitous to this day.Pythagoras assumed a Euclidean plane system and used past theorems to rove his own. It is not his proof that will be the focus of this essay, but the process. Pythagoras developed his proof through the method of abstraction, that is, he removed all connections that his ideas had with the real world: â€Å"He realized that numbers exist independently of the tangible world and therefore their study was untainted by the niacin racier of perception†(Sings 5). Indeed, the goal of this process was to â€Å"discover truths that were independent of opinion or prejudice and that were more absolute tan any previous knowledge. † (Sings 5).The process of abstraction is of keen interest, cause it implies tattoo can effectively create truths that are independent of all experience or emotion. However, I will later demonstrat e the process of abstraction is subject to questioning when it claims the right to absolute truths because of the restrictions that axioms undertake. Assuming different axioms stands as a strong counterpoint to question the validity of absolute truths through the process of abstraction. Particularly, this consideration attacks the assumption of truth as ubiquitous, and challenges the locality, or context, in which a truth holds.Again, let us take the example of Euclidean geometry. Euclidean geometry follows the bread and butter 5 postulates that Euclid first proposed. However, his 5th postulate, with slight ;easing, creates worlds that are completely different from the flat planes and static dimensions. Both Albatrosses and Belittle took a different meaning of the 5th postulate. Albatrosses assumed that parallel lines actually do not stay at the same distance Over infinity, but rather diverge from one another; Belittle proposed that they eventually get closer and collide.The discove ries and rather theorems that these mathematicians proposed turned the world on its head. How do these new geometries challenge the assumption of locality in an absolute truth? As it turns out, the elliptic and hyperbolic geometries had earned more than a place but a right to be considered as legitimate mathematics. Hyperbolic geometry adequately fits in to the general theory of relativity, which has a massive predicting power and has robust empirical support. Elliptic geometry now finds a place with GAPS tracking devices and is extremely handy for use in spherical coordinate systems.The crazy new idea f tweaking Culicid's 5th postulate had now to be seriously reconsidered: They were derived through the process Of abstraction and followed sound logic, but could these mathematics claim to be a more â€Å"absolute† truth than the Euclidean geometry? Eugene Wagner, a mid 20th century mathematician and physicist, would respond that yes, all of them would have to be considered equ ally. Wagner was heavily concerned with the puzzle that mathematics in the natural sciences create.How is it that abstract ideas, which have been effectively detached from the real world, are able to model it so precisely? To he physicist, the mathematics that is able to model relativity or the Earth is to be considered, and should therefore consider them to be pursued in terms of utility. Wagner concludes his essay on The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Mathematics in the Natural Sciences with a key phrase: â€Å"The miracle of the appropriateness of the language of mathematics for the formulation of the laws of physics is a wonderful gift which we neither understand nor deserve. (Wagner 9) From the scientific point Of view, truths are viable only to the extent to which they can improve what we can say about the workings of tauter. Although this would seem like a correct approach to employ, it is unrepresentative of the role of mathematics. Mathematics is not concerned with physical probabilities, they only care if they could construct a world based on a fixed set of ideas. For the mathematician, any one mathematical world constructed under one set of axioms is by no means superior or inferior to any of the other worlds they could construct with a different set of axioms.Does it portray nature accurately? It doesn't matter! It is of no relevance that what holds up in one mathematical world as true holds evidently false in another world constructed by mathematics. In this respect, any truth that is obtained in mathematics is absolute only to the world to which it belongs. This means that it is not truer that the construction of mathematical worlds (base ten, hyperbolic geometry, etc. ) that can model nature are more absolutely true than any other another mathematical world (clock math, known as modular arithmetic) constructed under a different set of axioms.Claims to absolute truth are restricted to their respective realms of applicability of assumptions; the l ocal applicability and restriction to truth is hat the element of locality takes when assessing the validity of a truth. However, this question has to be severely questioned with respect to the false dichotomy which it establishes immediately – the exclusiveness of self- contained dipoles of truth in mathematics is rather a weakness.Because you start out with a particular set of axioms, which were defined by the entrepreneurial mathematician in the first, and then followed logically, it should be of no surprise that all results fall under neat binary cabinets of truth. What must be considered next is that the majority of claims to truth, outside of self-containing knowledge worlds, are subject to a juxtaposition of truth and falsehood, or the complete breakdown of the dichotomy. The foremost example can give with respect of the natural sciences is that of the observer in quantum physics.In a nutshell, when the scales of things are shrunken to sub-atomic sizes, the behavior of matter changes drastically. Particles can no longer be understood as solid masses in space, but rather as waves, which have a certain probability of existing at a certain point in time when observed. The intriguing part is that, when not observed, there is no laid truth or falsehood about the â€Å"object† being either a wave or a particle. This becomes even more complex when we scale this problem back to the size of humans: the physical principle no longer applies!Not only does this challenge the notion of an absolute ubiquity of truth, but also that of scope, which necessitates that when statements are qualified as a truth or a falsehood, a consideration must be made to the context of the truth and the implications of the truth. How does this judgment fare when exported to the subjective sphere? Unfortunately, I happen to find the discerning of the trial sciences too complex for my sometimes apprehensive social inclinations.