Friday, May 31, 2019

Video Game Violence Make Teens and Children More Aggressive Essay

The term violence is a broad word that has many another(prenominal) different views depending on what it is associated with. When it comes to teens and children, violence can be anything from pushing, shoving, and fighting too. Violence has and always will be an ongoing problem around the world. Everything that can be done to prevent it will benefit our society. Todays video games and featured television shows realise become much more graphic than they guide ever been, showing brutal images that can be accessed by all ages. movie games have become one of childrens favorite leisure activities, and they lead long amounts of time playing them. It has been shown that children with high exposure to such violent games have a much higher score of serious violence (Freedman 2002). aft(prenominal) playing these games for long and countless hours, children begin to view these behaviors as acceptable while out with their friends or in public. Violence is any action that may cause harm to another such as pushing, fighting, language, wrestling, and killing. Violent video games have a strong positive correlation with aggressive behaviors because of intense graphics, escape of effective parental control, and the amount of time playing these games. Aggressive Minds. Video games that are made these days are completely different from how they were made a decade ago. The games are much more detailed and realistic, and they give you the feeling that you are actually in the game. Elizabeth Carll, PhD in Psychology says A comprehensive abbreviation of violence in interactive video game research suggests exposure increases aggressive behavior, aggressive thoughts, angry feeling, and physiological arousal and decreases helpful behavior. Children that have played thes... ...ngs, E., Karas, T., Winsler, A., Way, E., Madigan, A., & Tyler, S. (2009). Young childrens video/computer game use relations with school performance and behavior. Issues in Mental Health Nurs ing, 30(10), 638-649. Retrieved from EBSCOhost. JAMA and Archives Journals (2007, July 4). Study Examines Video Game Play Among Adolescents. ScienceDaily. Retrieved February 18, 2011, from http// Straus, M. (1972). Measuring Intrafamily Conflict and Violence The Conflict Tactics (CT) Scales. Retrieved from http// Violent Video Game Campaign (1998-2011). Are you worried about the more and more violent and graphic content in video games? Retrieved February 18, 2011. Van Horn, R. (1999). Violence and Video Games. Phi Delta Kappan, 81(2), 173. Retrieved from EBSCOhost.

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Experiencing The Polio Epidemic :: Disease History Historical Essays

Experiencing The Polio Epidemic It was in the middle of September the upper side of summer and the temperature was somewhere in the high eighties, and under normal circumstances there would be a long line of people, especially kids waiting to dunk into the huge indoor pool at the Mission Beach Plunge. However, these were not ordinary times, the only people anywhere near the pool were there to forlornly gaze at the crystal clear water and wonder what deadly monster might be lurking in its depth. It was in the middle of the summer of 1952, and it was in the middle of the polio epidemic that would strike more than 60,000 people and kill more than 3,000 of them in the United States alone.1As a young boy I did not know what caused the paralyzing epidemic, in fact I am sure the adults did not know the cause either. But, we had been told to stay away from swimming pools and drinking fountains because it seemed that anyone who did not heed the warning was sure to come down with the dead ly disease. At school and in stores there were posters of children and young adults on crutches with heavy metal bitstock wrapped around their lower legs. Next to these posters, an organization called the March of Dimes placed a clear plastic canister for people to put money in for finding a cure for the deadly illness. Fear and guilt seemed to hang in the atmosphere, because although no one knew what caused the virus, everyone seemed to feel it was something they did that caused them to get sick. Parents especially, felt guilty because they were overwhelmed with the unknown, and the horizon of one of their children becoming paralyzed or worse, dying, always led to almost daily admonitions to stay away from the drinking fountains and away from pools where groups of strangers swam. There seemed to be a general consensus that the disease was water borne. Waking up with flu like symptoms such as a mild upper respiratory infection, diarrhea, fever, sore pharynx or just generally not feeling well, would cause instant concern. My brothers and sisters and I inherited our fathers sinus problems and allergies and we regularly had some type of symptom of an onset cold or flu. Even knowing we had hereditary respiratory problems, my mother would fall into a deep silence of concern whenever we showed signs of not feeling well.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

growaw Metamorphosis of Edna Pontellier in Kate Chopins The Awakening :: Chopin Awakening Essays

The Metamorphosis of Edna Pontellier in The Awakening   The Awakening, written by Kate Chopin, tells the story of a woman, Edna Pontellier, who transforms herself from an obedient housewife to a person who is vivacious with strength of character and emotions which she no longer has to repress. This metamorphosis is shaped by her surroundings. Just as her behavior is more shocking and horrifying because of her position in society, it is that very position which causes her to feel restrained and makes her yearn to rebel.   Adele Ratignolle is Ednas close friend and confidante, but the two women are nothing alike. Adele is the perfect housewife and mother she is the ikon of what a Creole woman and mother ought to be. She lives her life for her children, always being sure that they are properly cared for, clothed, and educated. Unlike Adele whose life is fulfilled through engaging and caring for her children, Edna is fond of her children in an uneven, impulsive way (Chopin, p. 18). They are not enough to justify her life.   Adele could not understand how Edna could say that she would never sacrifice herself for her children, or for anyone (Chopin, p. 47). Ednas being is taking on a new importance in her life. She is starting to realize just how important it is to be true to herself. She has never through with(p) that before. She went along with the way things were supposed to be, holding her socials and tending to her house until she became aware that she inevitably more from her life.   Ednas marriage to Leonce is safe, but there is no passion or excitement. She grew fond of her husband, realizing with some unaccountable satisfaction that no trace of passion or excessive and fictitious warmth colored her affection, thereby threatening its detachment (Chopin, p. 18). While this lack of emotion is enough to satisfy Edna for the majority of her marriage, after she begins to allow her true self to come forth, she feels trapped and seeks a way to escape. She realizes that she needs intrigue and flavor in her marriage, especially, in her life. Leonce cannot understand that she does not fit the mold of the typical Creole woman. Her lifestyle is suffocating her.   The person whom Edna truly admires is mademoiselle Reiz, who is a brilliant pianist.

Essays --

You all probably celebrate this December time with caroling kids to decorating your Christmas tree. We all love Christmas and its holiday cheer. But today I want to talk about a place that holds many great traditions, the country we all know and love...France. You may prolong heard of France because of ts very notable city called Paris. French citizens also celebrate Christmas but they also celebrate traditions and celebrations that are very different from how we usually preform occasions here. France is located preceding(prenominal) Spain, below the United Kingdom, and to the right of the Atlantic Ocean. In France, I would say that the biggest celebrated tradition is known as le reveillon the holiday with a spreadhead fit for ten kings. Aside from the holidays and stuff, lets talk about Frances goverment. Frances type of goverment is a semi-presidental system. Do you have a pietism? Well here is some of the religions just in France. Some of Frances major religions are Cath olicism, Islam, and Judasim. French people also have a different language than we do. French is an italic language descended from the communicate Latin language of the Roman Empire. We will get into all this later. So sit back and relax and listen to a more about Frances points of goverment, language, religion and stuff like that. France has a very different overall perspective than the United States. So now lets go into detail about Frances goverment. Like I said Frances goverment is a semi-presidential system. Semi-presidential system is defined as a powerful president when there is a unified majority. The Prime Minister becomes secondary to the chairwoman in all legislative and diplomatic areas. If a chair is weakened by having two opposing parties, presidental an... also shares similar attributes. They elect a President by popular vote just like we do. But it seems to me that the Prime Minister has more control. We also have more religions than France does. The Unite d States as I see it is more diverse, the freedom in our country is unmatched by any other. We have Catholicism, Judasim, Baptist, Muslim, Protestant, Methodist, Pentacostal, Non-Denominational, Buddahism, Scientology, Hinduism, etc. Proving that we accept all religious freedoms throughout our country. We may not all agree but atleast the freedom is there. Also I have learned alot on the other traditions and pratices in France. Like the french Ballet, it is the spring always associated with France when it did not begin with french origins. I would have to conclude in saying that I would love to visit France and see for myself what I have only read about.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Merciless Death in Katherine Anne Porters The Jilting of Granny Weathe

Merciless Death in The Jilting of grandma Weatherall In The Jilting of gran Weatherall, Katherine Anne Porter gives readers a glimpse of the thoughts of a woman about to die. Lying in her bed in her daughter Cornelias house, eighty-year-old Granny Weatherall drifts in and out of consciousness. Through her thoughts of events both current and bygone, it is learned that Granny has worked hard all her life, and frequently tells herself that she did a good job. She thinks of events that made her stronger digging holes for fence posts, riding country roads in the winter when women had their babies (311), taking heraldic bearing of sick animals and sick children. Though Granny Weatherall tries to assure herself that her life has been rewarding, she is in fact unsatisfied in her last hours because of things left undone, being treated the likes of a child in her old age, and loved ones she has lost. When it becomes apparent to her that her time is running out, Granny realizes there are m any things left undone that she meant to do. Granny thinks of tomorrow, a time that is far away and ...

Merciless Death in Katherine Anne Porters The Jilting of Granny Weathe

Merciless Death in The Jilting of Granny Weatherall In The Jilting of Granny Weatherall, Katherine Anne usher gives readers a glimpse of the thoughts of a woman about to die. Lying in her bed in her daughter Cornelias house, eighty-year-old Granny Weatherall drifts in and out of consciousness. Through her thoughts of events both(prenominal) current and bygone, it is learned that Granny has worked hard all her life, and frequently tells herself that she did a good job. She thinks of events that made her stronger digging holes for fence posts, riding country roads in the winter when women had their babies (311), taking care of sick animals and sick children. Though Granny Weatherall tries to assure herself that her life has been rewarding, she is in fact unsatisfied in her last hours because of things odd undone, being treated like a child in her old age, and loved ones she has lost. When it becomes apparent to her that her time is running out, Granny realizes there are some(pren ominal) things left undone that she meant to do. Granny thinks of tomorrow, a time that is far away and ...

Monday, May 27, 2019

Personal Space and the Impact of Eye Contact Essay

As being a very important part of the humans behavior, Personal Space and heart and soul contact attracted a lot of scientists and research institutions. As Jeff Hughes and Morton Goldman (1978) have shown that how variations in kernel contact and of experimental confederate affected the violation of private space. several(predicate) people have different definitions to the term Personal Space. Personal Space may be denned as the area individuals maintain around themselves into which new(prenominal)s cannot irrupt without arousing discomfort (Hayduk, 1978).Personal Space is often described as a bubble of space surrounding a person. Buchanan, Goldman & Juhnke (1977) defines Personal Space as a somatogenic space surrounding an individual which, when intruded upon, generates an observable reaction of discomfort or flight. The first factor to be considered that influences a persons personal space is body position. Whether a person is sitting down or standing up can greatly affect their personal space. Hartnett, Bailey and Hartley (1974) claims that for both the short and tall Os, the subjects were approached closer in the sitting position.From a territorial point of view, it could be that people believed that they are not really invading the personal space of others when they were in a position that seemed less threatening, which is sitting. The second factor to be considered that affects personal space is physical disability. Wright (1983) suggests that bad attitudes and perceptions about people with physical disabilities are highly retentive, and cannot be easily removed or changed. Kleck (1968) has also confirmed that people tend to give more personal space in social interactions to people with physical disabilities as compared to people without physical disabilities.A variable that has not been frequently manipulated in personal space research is shopping mall contact. As seen in field experiments conducted by Buchanan, et al. (1977), males generally pr efer to discontinue the personal space of another male who did not offer much affectionateness contact, rather than another male who offered direct eye contact. Another experiment conducted by him shows that pistillate subjects preferred to violate the personal space of a female confederate who established eye contact with them. It is also seen that females tend to avoid invading the personal space of males who had direct eye contact with them.However, females would rather violate the personal space of a male who are smiling at them and gazed directly at them, as compared to a male who had their backs turned. And according to Argyle and Dean, the eye contact is significantly reduced as proximity is adjoind and their finding that eye contact unpleasant or is to be avoided as proximity increase suggests that variations in the way a person gazes at others could affect intrusions into that persons personal space. From these readings, it is expected that when two people approach each other with eye contact, the personal space between them will be bigger than without eye contact.

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Tension and Suspicion Between U.S. and Russia

Name Teacher AP U. S. History October 8, 2012 DBQ From the years of 1941 to 1949, there was an increase in suspicion and tension between the United States and the Soviet pairing. The Soviet Union was a Communist country ruled by a dictator age America was a capitalist democracy that valued freedom. Their completely different beliefs and aims caused friction to form between them, which contributed to the creation of the Cold War. At the start of the first gear innovation state of war, Germany and the Soviet Union signed a non invasion pact.With Germany and the Soviet Union being allies, the rest of the world had their suspicions. In the U. S. , Senator Truman expressed his dislike of both countries and his fancy of them as potential enemies(Doc A). Unfortunately for the Soviet Union, the pact between him and Hitler was soon broken by a German invasion. The invasion of the Soviet Union on June 22, 1941 was a surprise to everyone, especially Stalin who was not prepared for it. Acc ording to Churchill, it was the turning point of the war. This turn on Stalin seemed like a great thing, if the Soviet Union hadnt collapsed so quickly.With the fear of the Soviet Unions surrender, Churchill and Roosevelt secretly met in the historic Atlantic Conference in August 1941. An outcome of the congregation was the eight-point Atlantic Charter, where Churchill and Roosevelt agreed to defeat Germany before turning to lacquer, and they syllabusned for a tonic world organization, and affirmed their commitment to self-determination for all nations. In the midst of war, tensions were expressed in terms of which nation will emerge as world leader after the war.By 1943, the Allied nations were all committed to winning the war and creating a world in which men in all lands may live out their lives in freedom from fear and want. That was there goal scour though they had yet come up with the basis for a world organization. In 1943, the foreign ministers of the United States, t he Soviet Union, and Great Britain all met to discuss and stipulate their goal. The United States Secretary of State, Cordell Hull, made the flight to journey to Moscow for the conference(Doc B). The Moscow answer was signed on October 30, 1943.In December, two months later, the three leaders issued a Declaration of the Three Powers Regarding Iran. The Soviet Union had committed to joining the war against Japan and expressed support for Roosevelts plans for the United Nations. Roosevelt felt confident that he had won Stalins organized religion by proving that the U. S. was willing to negotiate directly with the Soviet Union and by guaranteeing the opening of the second front in France by the spring of 1944. However, Stalin also gained doubtful concessions on Eastern Europe that would be confirmed during the later wartime conferences.In 1945, the famed meeting of the heads of government of the United States, Britain, and the Soviet Union was held to discuss the reestablishment o f the nations of a war-torn Europe. The Yalta Conference, held near Yalta in the Crimea, was the second of three wartime conferences held among the Big Three. The Yalta conferees, Roosevelt, Stalin, and Churchill, confirmed the policy adopted at the Casablanca Conference of demanding Germanys unconditional surrender. There they made plans to divide Germany into cardinal zones of occupation under a united control commission in Berlin for war crimes trials.The Polish eastern border would follow the Curzon Line, and Poland would receive territorial hire in the watt from Germany. Discussing Poland, Churchill wanted to ensure free elections. He pointed out that the U. K. could never be content with any solution that did not leave Poland a free and independent state. Stalin pledged to permit free elections in Poland, but forestalled ever honoring his promise. Stalin talked with Roosevelt and concluded that Churchill didnt understand the Russians fears regarding Germany(Doc C).These mi sunderstandings caused new suspicions on both sides. The Big Three asked China and France to join them in sponsoring the founding conference of the United Nations. The USSR secretly agreed to enter the war against Japan within three months of Germanys surrender and was promised S. Sakhalin, the Kuril Islands, and an occupation zone in Korea. The secret agreement also provided that the Manchurian railroads should be under joint Chinese-Soviet administration. The subsequent clap of the cold war and Soviet successes in EasternEurope led to much criticism in the United States of the Yalta Conference and of Roosevelt, who was accused of delivering Eastern Europe to Communist domination. In the Soviet Union, foreign minister V. M. Molotov made a broadcast following the Truman Doctrine and the Marshall Plan(Doc E). Molotov felt compelled to take preventive actions in response. Molotov condemned the Marshall Plan as imperialistic and he claimed it was dividing Europe into a capitalist and communist camp. In response he initiated the Molotov Plan.This plan created several bilateral relations between the states of Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union and later evolved into the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance. Molotov was expressing the views of many Russians, that they saw the West as reneging on its promises made at Yalta and Potsdam. In the United States, an article was published in The New York Times announcing that Czechoslovakia had become a communist state(Doc F). beneath pressure from the Czechoslovakian Communist Party, President Eduard Benes allows a communist-dominated government to be organized.In response, America eliminated a large loan to Czechoslovakia that outraged parties in Czechoslovakia. In the capital of the United Kingdom Evening Standard, a cartoon was published portraying Stalin plotting to conquer the rest of Europe(Doc G). The symbolism of the cartoon in Great Britain was the heightened distrust of Russian leaders and it was cover evid ence of the tensions that sparked the Cold War. Although the Soviet Union did not physically intervene, Western observers decried the virtually bloodless communist coup as an example of Soviet magnification into Eastern Europe.Even though the United States and Great Britain denounced the communist seizure of power in Czechoslovakia, neither took any direct action. Throughout the years of 1945-1948, there was a poll conducted in the United States(Doc H). Each year, a person was asked a question about their feelings toward the Soviet Union. In 1945, a little more than half(prenominal) of the people voted that yes, they believe Russia could be trusted to cooperate with us after the war. In early 1946, the question was if they thought Russia could cooperate with us in world affairs. Half said no. Later that year, 60% voted hat they saw Russia was trying to build herself up to be the ruling power of the world. In whitethorn 1948, almost 70% saw the U. S. as being to soft in its policy toward Russia. The heightened tensions, suspicions, and fears that became associated with the Cold War can be seen in the dramatic shifts in public opinion. With the Soviet Union now a threat, 10 European nations, Canada, and the U. S. established the North American Treaty Organization (NATO) to resist Soviet aggression in Europe. With the Soviet Union somewhat humiliated by the success of the Berlin airlift, they finally ended the Berlin Blockade.It was a success for the West until tension was again change magnitude when the U. S. S. R. sets off its first atomic bomb. Now that the Soviet Union had successfully developed and conducted nuclear tests, the U. S. monopoly was over. Suspicions and tensions between the United States and the Soviet Union were seen dramatically from 1941 to 1949 in conferences, public announcements, newspaper articles, and even public surveys. Countries as a whole distrusted each other because of their different beliefs. Each side was engaged in antagonis m that kept the Cold War brooding.

Saturday, May 25, 2019

The Spanish-American War and Imperialism

Q5-How did the Spanish-the Statesn War turn into a war of imperial expansion? Shawn Lannin 2/26/2013 The Spanish-the Statesn War originally started off as The join States harboring Cuba from its Spanish rulers essentially, but quickly evolved into colonial expansion. The war became a war of imperial expansion in the late 1800s due to Americas new outward focuses on global markets and growing concerns of economic competition/expansion from other world powers. America, once a colony itself was at one time looking to extend its influence into other parts of the globe as its European cousins had been doing for quite some time.Before, during, and after(prenominal) the war Americans had growing concerns about the peaceable and East Asia. These foreign markets possessed vast amounts of natural resources and fertile lands for the taking many expansionists had differing reasons for imperialistic expansion. Some argued religious purposes, some the spread of the White-Anglo-Saxon race, (Wh ite Mans Burden) while others show economic and military reasons to expand abroad. Captain Alfred Thayer Mahan, a naval strategist, believed in a strong navy and that America should turn its focus outward and expand its influences into the world.Mahan also urged the acquisition of Pacific islands for military and naval superiority. Islands such as Puerto Rico, Hawaii, The Philippines, and Guam soon became targets of Americas imperialistic aim. These islands could be used strategically to foster merchant fleets in route from Asia and also for military and economic purposes, for example the natural harbor found in Hawaiis Pearl value served as a great naval base and served as a stepping-stone to Asia, while the fertile volcanic soils were perfect for sugar plantations.Expansionists also sought to protect their trade rights and foreign policies such as The Open Door Policy, which gave free trade rights in East Asian markets. China was in turmoil at the time and other world powers we re exhibiting land grabs while trying to carve out spheres of influence to control trade in Chinese markets. Expansion in the Pacific would not only secure our rights to trade but would protect our interests over seas as well.Nations across the world were colonizing weaker countries through the concept of Social Darwinism and America didnt want to fall by the way side so to speak. We had to keep up with the world powers and protect our best interest. It was a time of empires and after decades of isolationism, America decided it was time to show the world our power. By 1898 America had defeated Spain and with its defeat came the annexation of several island nations that we used to our benefit for years to come.

Friday, May 24, 2019

Citizenship in America Essay

U.S. citizens are lucky. We have freedom of speech, freedom of religion and many more rights. Citizenship washbowl mean different things to different battalion. Who a country defines as its citizens may differ in different times and different places. In general, we know that citizenship belongs to a person who lives in a certain country and has certain rights. Yet, I believe that the true essence of citizenship lies in the duty to help solve problems.In the United States, the idea of citizenship has evolved over time. For instance, in 1776, well-nigh blacks, Indians and white women had no right to vote. They had to struggle to become full citizens. The right and responsibility to vote came afterwards a long and hard fight.Studying history is a key p invention of effective citizenship because from people in the past, we learn examples of good citizenship.One rattling good example of good citizenship was that shown by Jane Addams. Even at age six in 1866, she was an initiator and she cute to change her world. During that time, she got this remark from Theodore Roosevelt, president from 1901 to 1909, that Addams became the most useful citizen. When she was 29 years old, Addams bought a large, old house c eached the Hull House in a poor immigrant area of Chicago.They soon learned that Addams wanted to help poor people solve the problems they faced. At Hull House, immigrants could learn English. Working parents could even leave their babies there during the day and the children were encouraged to take art classes. She also made the house available for family gatherings, weddings and other events.Addams raised money herself to pay for these programs. She also tried to change the government and often she worked in campaigns for people running for office whom she believed had honest intentions. She also wrote letters to members of Congress. She went to meetings to support giving women the right to vote. She lead marches to support laws ending the use of child ja b in factories. She also tried to influence the government. In fact, people today can still petition, or try to influence the policies of government. Petitioning is one of the basic rights of each citizens protected by the United States Constitution.When garbage filled up the alleys near Hull House, she was worried that the piles of trash may cause disease and ending among the children in the neighborhood. So, she did just aboutthing none of us would ever think ofshe applied a job as a garbage inspector. Thus, she was able to follow those garbage wagons all the way to the dumping site just to be sure that garbage is properly disposed.Addams was good citizenship personified. In my own way, I want to do the homogeneous thing as Addams did. Starting from my own home, I can begin helping my parents in cleaning our surroundings. I can also do some volunteer work in our community during weekends when there are no exams in school.Volunteer work can be fun especially when I mobilize my other friends to join in. I am sure they will be open to make themselves useful, in our own small way, in devising a difference to the world out there. In my own small way, I can learn from people of the past how it is to exercise good citizenship. qualification the community look good is a part of good citizenship. In fact, the community is a setting that provides much potential for helping and learning at the same time. Libraries, museums, and many places are rich sources of exercising good citizenship.For afterall, citizenship requires initiative, courage and sacrifice. As Jane Addams said, Progress is not automatic the world grows better because people tender that it should and take the right steps to make it better.REFERENCESJane Addams 1860-1935. Retrieved Oct. 10, 2006 athttp// Jane Addams. Retrieved Oct. 10, 2006 athttp// Working. Jane Addams. Retrieved Oct. 10, 2006 athttp//ocp

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Dynamics and Conflict within a Team Essay

The group concept is not an unfamiliar one. We are surrounded by aggroups from the m we take our first breath until the time we extend this Earth. Doctors, nurses, aides, dieticians, house retentiveness, and otherwises all exhibited a collaborative effort to ensure our arrival into the world was a safe and come throughmentful journey. Our adventures throughout grade school were also brought just close by aggroup upwork. Sports, movies, ballet, politics, business, higher education and several other parameters of life as we know it are the epitomes of groupwork, well-choreographed re amazeations of the adage that states Two heads are better than one.Tasks achieved through team upwork are anticipated to be more thorough, more effective, more elaborative, more multifaceted, and more victoryful than those tasks carried out by one. Individuals comprising a team contribute intrinsic attainments and visceral knowledge to the whole of the team, distributively member making u p for what the other lacks. The result is a balanced load of all the skills necessary to complete the delegate task with proficiency (Morris, 2005). The ultimate success of the team is strongly influenced by the members ability to work together in a gummy state.Team propellents encompasses any and all ways that individual affiliates interact with their counterparts en route to the common goal. The overall characteristics of the assigned task, along with the inert skill of each member may also brace an impact on the teams success (Morris, 2005). However, the focus here is more concerned with the social relationships within a team and strategies to employ in an effort to avoid conflict or to utilize should conflict arise.The Oxford Dictionary of Sports Science and Medicine defines team dynamics as the following Often referred to colloquially as team chemistry the patterns of interaction among team members that determine team spirit, harmony, cohesion, and morale. Some coaches beli eve that team dynamics are beyond their control, resulting from the unpredictable mixture of the personalities. Others believe that one of the most important tasks of a good coach is to create the best potential team dynamics for success (Oxford, 2005). The concepts behind this definition can apply to all types of teams.The teams chemistry is a dominant factor outlining the success of a team. If team members cannot work together effectively, hence completing their assigned endure is a more difficult goal to achieve. The virtual team is amazeed with quite a a few more discrepancies to overcome than those teams centered in real time. Before they are fully able to work up to their potential, the virtual teammates must establish some kind of rapport with their fellow constituents, lay down mutual ground rules ensuring each member has a designated responsibility, and everyone must strive to tally the teams common goal, no matter their differences individually.Of these aforementione d qualities, the neutral rapport is the most difficult one to render effectively. Unfortunately, personality is often misinterpreted or lacking in full in the virtual team environment compared to those real time teams, where the members personalities are vividly displayed. Physically present interaction allows one to pick up on the visual and unspoken cues that contribute to a persons character. Body language, voice inflection and intonation, the nodding of a head, or firm handshake are just among the few effective communications present in the real world, but lacking in the virtual realm.One has to rely on their own interpretations of their affiliates written accounts and thus come to a fair-minded conclusion. When it comes to teamwork, a persons ability to build relationships, work with others, and communicate effectively can be more important than his or her technical expertise (Dawson, 2005). This concept is crucial if an on track team is to be successful. If one member does n ot have the ability to communicate their own thoughts and ideas online, how will the rest of the team incorporate that members contributions into the project?The assume for team dynamics is understood after the team is formed, when the individuals work collaboratively toward the common goal. The precursor to team dynamics is (or should be) thoroughly contemplated prior to assigning each member to the team, according to the task at hand and the skills of each member. If the team consists of those most knowledgeable in marketing an idea, for example, and the project calls for a team of post-marketing surveyors, so (obviously) the team would not know how to go about getting the job done, and so their dynamics would be hindered.Team members need to trust each other as well as trust each others expertise. They need to feel confident that the other members are doing their share, so that when the team in the long run pools their ideas together, a multifaceted solution results. Teaming i s a collective responsibility every member is held accountable for their individual contribution, as well as the timely consequence of the collaborative effort. In 1965, Bruce W. Tuckman developed a model of five stages for developing teams forming, norming, storming, producing and ending (Bookman, 2005).At the forming stage, dynamics are important because this is where things begin. At this point you need the chemistry to see how to set up the group according to each others strengths and weaknesses. You need to feel confident that all of the members are unforced to do what is ask for the good of the team. The norming stage is where the group comes together. Dynamics are important here because decisions need to be made and rules need to be set. The team needs to make up who will do what.Expectations, both of the group and of each individual, will also be determined at this point. The team also has to decide what will be done regarding conflicts, lack of participation of a member , and lack of , or insufficient, contributions. If the group dynamic radiates apart here, the group will fall apart. If a problem is going to exist, it usually makes itself present during the storming stage, which now comes into play. Strong dynamics within the group can help resolve potential problems forwards they become major issues.As long as the group can communicate well, they should be able to resolve any conflicts. Next in line is the producing stage, where good team dynamics start to pay mop up as the team is now producing high volumes of quality work. At this point, if there are problems with the work, a strong team dynamic will ensure the issues are resolved. Finally (and appropriately titled), we come to the ending stage. The team itself has completed their task and is no seven- solar day required or just one member could be departing as their individual task is complete, marking this point.If the team as a whole terminates, a good dynamic can ensure each member walk s away with a positive outlook, especially if there may be another prospect to work with the same team. However, if the ending is due to a teammates departure, a good team dynamic will make it easier to carry on without that members presence (Bookman, 2005). Improving team dynamics is actually a learning experience. Each member has to learn to develop or correct upon their ability to trust, be dependent upon, and work with each of their partners.One way to do this is through challenge programs. Challenge programs are initiated away from the office, and are not specifically job related. The people involved will face physical or mental challenges with only the other members of their group to rely on. The teams success will depend on each members ability to trust, guide and accept guidance, assist and accept assistance from their colleagues. When it comes to teams, and the team dynamic, the success of the team is dependant on the success of the individuals (Steinfeld, 2005).Another c oncept, if a physical challenge program is not an option, is an on-line training program. According to the News scratch (2005), Personnel Today mentioned that the BBC used an on-line training program that showed that the majority of participants learned a significant amount by participating in the program. The root word of this program was to show that teams can be more successful when the leaders use more of a teaching / coaching approach rather than a command-and-control approach. Yet another option to improve team dynamics, and have a successful team, is found in Kenneth E.Holtmans (2005) The 10 commandments of team leadership. (Training 101 Its a team effort). The abstract is a follows The first requires them to stick to their mission and vision, which guide teams in creating and using more precise strategies and plans. The second commandment obligates team leaders not to tolerate undesirable behavior, which can only undermine team morale and performance if not addressed prop erly. The third commandment insists on the eschewal of self-interest to dominate over mutual interest, which helps avoid resentment, competition and conflict.The other rules require preventing fear to influence team behavior, fighting cliques which can affect team dynamics, dealing with conflict, refusing to recognize luck of trust as an excuse, encouraging risk taking, sharing information and managing processes carefully. Although this article refers to the leadership role, it can also be a guide to improve the team dynamic at an individual level. Even an individual, is a leader, when it comes to their part of the project. In summary, team dynamics are important because dynamic or real teams have clarity of purpose.Everyone understands the teams objectives, as well as own intrinsic roles in delivering them. Other key characteristics include a focus on quality, support for innovation, and the ability to work creatively with potential conflicts (Agnes, 2005). Time Management . . . A concept we should all thoroughly master. In our present lives, though, managing time seems to be an insurmountable feat. We have goals whose obtainment is so far in the distance that we tend to lose sight of them, put them off to satisfy the initial moment, and lose ourselves in the process. We all have so many things going on in life these days.We all wear so many hats, working valiantly to meet up with the demands of each one. In doing so, we put too much pressure on ourselves to please the masses, not instruction on which one should come first or which ones can be eliminated to better suit the more prospective accessories. Prioritize Analyze your collection of hats, keeping in mind that God only gave you one head because you are only one person. The two hands He blessed you with are more suitable for delegating the tasks by passing down or throwing out the hats which do not measure up to the high priority coverings.Dont waste time finding time. Each and every day seems to begin with focusing on the fastest route from point A to point B, desire those deluded souls you may see driving around forever in a crowded parking lot plainly to get a closer space, when they could have been in the building faster if only they had taken the first available slot. We put too much time-consuming thought into those misconstrued notions held dear to our get plenteous quick instant gratification society. Success does not happen overnight it never will.Honest achievements are the result of dedication, blood, sweat, tears, pain, anguish, mental fatigue, still persevering in light of all these constituents. Do not delude yourself to the get something for nothing ideal. In all matters of simplicity, it is just not going to happen. Instead, spend one day planning out your entire journey en route to destination, My Ultimate Goal, mapping out your daily trek so that you know the steps required to make your arrival at your future locale a realistic ambition.Once the plan is made, we tend to start off by flying and then realize we find more pleasure in the up close and personal (although more time-consuming) scenic route. Do not focus on the cast out concept of the ultimate goal being so far away, rather focus on the here and now the positive reinforcement and instant gratification that makes itself present, daily, through climbing and conquering each individual cliff on the way to the your mountains pinnacle. If you have chosen to spend your time griping to others about how unfair life can be, then you have the time to realize the actions required to change it.If you have the time to criticize others who are happy with their lives, then you have the time to determine what you need to do to satisfy your own, putting those realized actions into motion. Do not succumb to your past negative experiences that have specify your life up to this point. Reflect and eject or define and redesign Recognize and get rid of those experiences not applicable to your prese nt life. Or, acknowledge those hindrances and read them into positives. We only become strong by being willing to overcome.Once we overcome the negatives in our past, we can then view them as a present and future positive, in retrospect. Do not allow present or future obstacles to terminate your journey. Push them aside, jump over them, steer around them, or do whatever you have to do to find your way back to the path you once initiated. If the obstacles are applicable to your future and you must bring them along, simply take them under your wing and walk, instead of flying. More time will be required to reach your destination, but at least you will be continuing in the right direction.According to Carol Carter, Joyce Bishop and Sarah Lyman Kravits (2002), When you set goals, prioritize, and manage your time effectively, . . . you can develop the kind of focus that will help you achieve . . . Individuals and the whole team can utilize this strategy to enhance their own time manage ment skills. Time management can be accomplished at the individual level by assessing ones daily memorial. Write a list of wanted accomplishments, and then prioritize. Be realistic when compiling a daily schedule, and do not list more than can be effectively achieved by sundown.Take control of goals and stay on task. Learn how to conjecture no to keep control of your schedule. If unforeseen deviations do occur, simply get back on track as soon as possible. Times miserliness techniques are also helpful with effective time management. Take a few minute each day to plan the events happening that day, or schedule known appointments and other obligations occurring days, weeks, even months away, and then regressing to mark progress thus far. Day Runners, calendars, date books, PDAs and computers are some of the many tools available for using time wisely.Place items in urgent and non-urgent categories as the list is compiled. (Stephen Coveys 4 Quadrants Principle). Schedule within a rea sonable time frame. Allow for residuum breaks so that the focus is heightened once back on task. Incorporating critical thinking into our daily lives and daily routines will help us to use this technique in many areas of our lives and make more effective decisions. As the day starts, think through your day and look over your daily list to see in any adjustments need to be made. Again allow for flexibility.

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

A Study about The Impact of Parental Separation

This study explores the repair of parental interval/divorce can flummox on a childs reading and development in the primary school classroom. The broad aim of the study was to explore instructors classroom experiences of parental legal separation/divorce and its proceeding on teaching learning and development. The police detective aimed to gather an in depth and rich account of these experiences in the primary school classroom. This current chapter critically explores the most grant manners and tools that were used to gather selective in machinateation for this study. The inquiryer evaluates and outlines the design method undertaken, the participants that were involved and the materials that were used to gather the information and entropy relating to this study.Ethical considerations are in any case outlined in this chapter.3.2 Aims of the studyHaving reviewed the literature on the topic of the effect parental separation/divorce can have on a childs learning and developme nt it is evident that there is a lack of Irish look into conducted on the area. A breakd avow in a family structure is becoming more common with 1 in every 10 marriages in Ireland ending in separation/divorce (Rainbow, 2018) with the figure of marriage separation rising from 116,194 in 2011 to 118,178 in 2016 (CSO, 2016). For this reason this study aims to provide an insight into the effect this breakdown in family structure is having on a childs learning and development.This study aims to investigate to what extent does parental/separation divorce has on a childs learning and development and if it has an effect on a childs emotions, behaviour, capacity to learn and concentration in the classroom and whether teachers feel they have the adequate training to aid and suffice children during this change in their lives.3.3 Research DesignIn deciding on a research design for the study, the investigator considered both decimal and qualitative approaches. According to (Patton Cochran, 2002) qualitative research is characterised by its aims, which relate to understanding some aspect of social life, and its methods which (in general) generate words, sooner than numbers, as selective information for analysis and seeks to build a holistic and register description of a social or cultural phenomenon (Gall, Borg & Gall, 1996).Qualitative approaches to research involve emerging questions and procedures, typically collecting data in the participants setting, and analysing data inductively (Creswell, 2014). However, quantitative research generally produces objective numerical data that are generated without influence on behalf of the researcher (Denscombe, 2010). It emphasises precision and sets out to explain phenomena by collecting numerical data that are analysed using mathematically based methods, and seeks to minimise stroke and maximise objectivity (Rubin Babbie, 2010). Therefore taking both methodologies into account the researcher decided on a mixed- methods me thodology approach for the purpose of this research.The qualitative data provided an insight into the various ways children may be impacted by parental separation/divorce and the teachers own experiences and views in this area. On the other hand the quantitative data provided a numerical data insight into the extent of the way a child may be impacted by parental separation/divorce and the teachers own views and opinions on the key area it can have an impact on and how prepared they feel they are to help a child through this change in their lives. In conclusion a mixed method approach enabled the researcher to gain rich and valuable information for the research and facilitated the research to achieve a plentiful picture of the impact parental separation/divorce may be having on a childs learning and development in the primary school classroom.3.4 Data collectionIn nightclub to collect the data the researcher queryed 3 teachers who each taught different levels in the school junior, middle and senior ends of the school.The discourses were face to face and semi-structured using open ended questions and all 3 references were persona recorded. In order for the research to be fully representative of the sample the researcher conducted the interviews on teachers who taught in 3 different schools incorporating both town and pastoral schools. One participant was a teacher in a country school in 5th and 6th class, a nonher participant was a teacher in a populated town school in 3rd and 4th class and the final participant was a junior and senior babe teacher in a small country school. The class sizes varied from 21 pupils to 32 pupils with each participant stating they had a variety of ethnicities and learning project needs in the class. The aim of the interviews was to counsel on the participants own experiences of the impact of parental separation in the classroom, and the researcher decided on an unstructured interview approach.The intention of the researcher was to build a rapport with the participants create a narrative astir(predicate) their subjective experiences of this area. During the interviews, many of the questions were spontaneous and built on the experiences of the teachers and their own opinions surrounding the area of parental separation/divorce and its effects it can have on a childs learning and development and the questions came as part of the natural interaction between researcher and participants. The unstructured approach allowed the researcher to ask questions as and when they were appropriate, and to further explore particular themes of interest the participant had. In order for the researcher to encourage a degree of consistency during the interview process among the 3 participants the researcher employed the use of an aide memoire to help guide the focus of the interview without disrupting the natural course of the discussion.The interviews were recorded and were later transcribed for analysis. The recording o f the interviews enabled the researcher to interact fully with the participant through the full interview and also permitted the researcher to provide a full textual account of the entire interview and everything that was said and highlighted. In the same context the surveys created employed a non prepossession approach, using a broad array of questions in order to not direct or lead the participant and also to ensure that a full rich picture of the teachers opinions and experiences are gathered. The survey was created online and included 8 questions. These 8 questions ensured to not be misleading and aimed to reflect a teachers own views understanding and acquaintance around the area of parental separation/divorce and the impact it can have on a childs learning and development.3.5 Data analysisThematic analysis was used in this study to analyse and interpret the data. This section provides an overview of the thematic analytical method and outlines its procedural application to th e data put in in this study. Thematic analysis is a comprehensive process where researchers are enabled to identify numerous cross references between the data and the researchs evolving themes (Hayes, 1997).An inductive approach was therefore used to identify the themes. Similarly, (Marshall and Rossman, 2006) recommended that immersion in and familiarity with the research is an essential stage. Following this recommendation, the researcher transcribed each interview, thus familiarising herself with the data. Inductive analysis involved the process of discovering patterns and codes in the data (Patton, 2002). The researcher developed patterns by keeping notes on the transcripts that related to a fascinating and relevant point and used highlighters to link these codes together. It was important for the researcher to not have pre conceptions when conducting the interviews and analysing the surveys, consequently the researcher has to explore and understand the social world through the participants and their own perspectives and explanations can only be offered at the level of meaning rather than cause (Snape and Spencer as cited in Ritchie and Lewis, 2003, p. 23).As a result the researcher ensured that all the data collected was reliable and dependable to provide clear, concise and pregnant conclusions from the data.3.6 Ethical considerationsPrior to undertaking this study, ethical approval was sought and granted by the HiberniaCollege Ethics Committee. This study was therefore conducted to the highest ethical standards in line with the Ethical Guidelines for educational Research (BERA, 2011). When considering the ethical considerations, data protection guidelines were taken into account by the researcher. The researcher ensured that all data will be stored safely and securely in encrypted data files and hard copies of transcripts will be kept in a locked filing cabinet and all other identifiable data such as the names, phone numbers, and email addresses of par ticipants will be stored separate from other data collected in order to ensure anonymity and confidentiality is upheld.The participants were also informed in their consent letter that they had access to the data. Keeping in line with the guidelines the researcher ensured that each participant received a clear information letter about the research area and their role. It stated that anonymity and confidentiality will be ascertained at all times. Before each interview, the participants signed a consent form and also informed that they were permitted to end the interview process at any time they wished. The prospective participants were then given time to consider their participation, without any duress, and were later contacted by the researcher for their decision. Throughout the data collection process, all interactions were carried out in a respectful and considerate manner. Interviews were conducted in the spirit of partnership, without manipulation. The names participants were not used on interview recordings and transcripts, and any identifiable information was stored separate from this data.Throughout the data collection and data analysis the researcher ensured complete commitment, reliability and integrity. In accordance to Hibernia College Dublin the data will be kept for three years after the completion of the dissertation. The researcher will ensure that the data collected is only used for the purpose for which it was gathered and will not be shared with a third person.3.7 LimitationsFirstly, the lack of experience the researcher had on conducting interviews arose as a possible limitation for conducting the research and collecting the data. In order for the researcher to gain experience and confidence in conducting interviews the researcher performed jeer interviews with 3 student teachers.The mock interviews ensured that the researcher would not highlight opinions or response through facial expression and also show no bias towards the interview ques tions and topic (Bryman, 2004 Cohen et al., 2005 Reynolds, 1979). This aided the researcher when conducting the interviews with the 3 teachers to collect the data. Secondly, the interviews were semi-structured and conducted with teachers from 3 different schools. This took up a lot of time and had additional drawback on spark costs. Finally the online surveys also had its disadvantages. As the surveys were online a lot of people (teachers) tend not to take the time to complete them in comparison to a hardcopy.As a result it took longer than expected for the researcher to get back the quota of answers that was needed to give an accurate representation of the data.3.8 ConclusionIn conclusion, this chapter provided an analysis on how the researcher collected the data, taking into consideration the most appropriate methodology for this study. The researcher chose to use a mixed methods approach to collect and analysis the data collect during this research as it gives a layer of depth and validity to the research. The data collection methods complimented each other and provided valuable findings which will be presented in the next chapter.The interview process and survey analysis will allow the researcher to gain an insight into the opinions and experiences of teachers from different backgrounds, various areas and different class levels. Following the chosen appropriate methodology, the researcher took into consideration the participants, materials, method design, ethical considerations and data analysis. The participants in the study gave their informed consent to the research, their anonymity and confidentiality maintained, and they will have access to the data and findings if desired. The participants of the interview were made feel comfortable during the interview process using the appropriate interview skills. The next chapter will outline the main findings of the present research which employ a mixed-methods approach.

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Advertising and Identity through Consumer Culture Essay

Never in the beginning in the history of the raw world has publicise buzz off so customary, ubiquitous, and an undeniable essential to a modern mans everyday life than that of our century. Advertising images of all sorts, right off flood existence spaces from billboards with eroticized images to the blazing electronic billboard, down to the comfort ads which oddly stargons back in the rest rooms of center of attentions.Magazines and televisions are overly full of products that entice the readers and the audience to defile and patronize a certain differentiate. Similarly, cultural events can non be seen without a favourite scar nor is a sporting event complete without a corporate ad. Indeed, advertising has become part of todays culture and has become an inescapable ghost that dominates our media, our road, and our home.The road towards the advertising date began its transition during the 1880s to1920s. It is during this period that ads foc workoutd largely on the produc ts themselves. Products took the center stage, using heavy texts to introduce, throw and market the product. Real representation of plenty were absent in advertisements, but rather representation of people who stand for the social values such as family structure and status differentiation were seen during this stage (Jhally, 1990, p. 228).With the write material properly explaining opthalmic the visual imagery, ads during this period were instructional. At the identical time they were also educational as well as promotional. These ads taught the consumer audience how to read commercial messages. However, by the postwar period, education was replaced for a puzzle of numerous visual messages.Visual images then took the limelight during the 1950s. Texts were highly reduced and were then replaced by icons and images to allure the consumer. These visual imageries ultimately took over the product. The image, rather than the product, became the main message that is communicated to th e consumer audience. The once educational ads were now replaced with a hodge-podge of photos and visuals (Jhally, 1990, p. 229).As the 21st century ushered in, the intellect of identity was then marketed to the buying audience, convincing the public that the products they buy represent their identity identity which can now be brought in the nearest mall and entrusting assure not only satisfaction but happiness as well.This paper allow discuss the contemporary culture in the advertising industry as it permeates and even molds todays idea of beauty, style, as well as identity. Similarly, it will discuss how people are influenced by this media specialty by citing several studies and researches related to the mentioned topic. Apart form this, it will also discuss the benefits and the disadvantages brought about by the culture of advertising.Ours is an era whose society is in constant struggle to find their true identity. Never before has a mankind been so engrossed in a quest for a n identity, life, and beauty only to be directed to the market place. Ads that promote images with identity are prevalent. A popular celebrity endorsing this line of clothing, for instance, will give the audience the message that buying these kinds of clothes will make you happy, beautiful, or popular. Likewise, purchasing this brand of shoes will make you a part of the nerveless or in group.Through these visual representations, consumers longing to be like the image they see on ads, and the purpose of this certain product will help them imagine, hold, and sustain their idea of themselves, their image, and their identity.The idea of beauty is perhaps one of the most capitalized and used advertising ideas. Numerous magazines often represent a beautiful woman as someone who is skinny, blond, tall, and has a porcelain-like skin. These faces are evidently plastered on every magazine cover. Of course, a brand logo is placed along side the photo of the model as if saying You can be ju st like me if you use this brand. Aside from this, almost every celebrity has the same body type. A small or fat woman would consequently mean that she is not conforming to societys image of beauty, which because automatically makes her ugly.With all of these images, it is no wonder why millions of girls from different parts of the world accept the idea that in order to be beautiful, one should look like a cover girl or a celebrity. This also path that buying that certain skin care line or wearable the same brand of clothes would automatically transform them as they conform to the idea of beauty as well as their identity.In a report which studied the consumption patterns of youth, consumers regard consumption not as a mode of cultural activity, but rather as a rationalized process of fulfilling their desires. This means that a number of individuals actually believe that buying a product will fulfill their desire to look a certain way. Since their idea of beau ideal is duly repre sented by images of stunning models and celebrities, their hunt of what is perfect can only be realized by using the same products or items that these models endorse.Although these ideals of perfection somehow give directions to the consumers, the truth is the images presented are first and foremost unattainable. More often than not, the audience is oblivious(predicate) to the fact that the images they see, both on screen and on print, has already undergone a process of editing in order to make it even more perfect.The idea of beauty did not used to be package up with the idea of being skinny. In fact, during the prehistoric times, women are portrayed not as a wafer thin woman but rather as a full-bodied female with breasts, hips, abdomen, and thighs. The statuette called genus Venus of Willendorf for instance, has been venerable as a goddess of beauty and fertility. Similarly, the statuette Venus of Moravany and Malta are both revered because of their physical attributes.These images of beauty however, began to change as advertising emphasized the need to fit in a size two dress. This is situationly used by companies who promote diet and weight -lose products. Likewise, other manufacturers and note also saw the need to create slimming pills, slimming tea, and so much more. This eventually led other manufacturers to create clothes that will emphasize a womans thin frame.Apart from a psyches physical attribute, a persons lifestyle is also used as a handle by the advertising world to create a market-based image. According to the same report, more than half(prenominal) of the younker consumers believed that the products they buy represent their identities and lifestyle in some way.For them, identities are recorded in a variety of products such as shoes, clothes, cosmetics etc. Even seemingly trivial things are supposed to express their lifestyles. For instance, 36 percent of young males answered that their choices of telephone/ mobile equipment represen t in some way their identities, and 63 percent of young females think that their choices of hair salon is a representation of their identities (Report on Youth inspiration Trend, 1994, p. 114).The one hour documentary entitled Merchants of the Cool is perhaps one of the most scathing examinations of how popular culture and advertising are entwined together.Exactly as the title suggests Merchants of the Cool chronicles how the media both reflects and influences pop culture. A large amount of money is paid to cool hunters in order to find out what is cool and what is hip. This information is then coursed through mediums such as the television. MTV for example, pay its cool audiences as well as the hosts and performers to attend to their party to make it look even cooler. Behind all these happening, there lies a big logo of a soft drinks brand. Much like how a ventriloquist controls a puppet, it is also the same with how a company and how advertising is behind how the image of coolnes s is presented (Frontline, 2001).This construction of a sense of identity, correspond to British sociologist Robert Bocock (1993), can be seen as a process which may make use of items of consumption such as clothing, footwear, popular music or sporting activities, including being a supporter of particular music groups, singers or soccer clubs. Such consumption patterns could be used as a primal means of defining who is a member and who is outside a specific group. It is through material items that eventually determine an individuals social group, which then ultimately gives him or her identity.A brand is a powerful tool that associates commodities with consumers because it symbolizes various elements of the product so that consumers have relative liberty in determination the association between their identities and commodities. The visual images, even the endorser of the brand also plays a crucial subroutine in alluring the consumer to believe that by purchasing this product, yo u will become like me or that you will be popular or will have an identity like mine (Bocock, 1993, p. 4).However, the more eventful question is how does an individual associate his or her identity through the purchase of a certain brand or a certain product? The research mentioned above illustrates the characteristic mentality of a young consumer. I do not care about what other people choose. I think of intention as an important consideration when I choose things, and my choices of commodities express a part of my personality.This statement underlines the prevalent belief that the freedom of choice of the consumer leads to the expression of his or her identity. In other words, since it is the choice of the individual that make him or her wear this particular pair of shoes, this particular pair then represents the identity of the individual who make the decision. Representative form of their self-identities derives from the individual level individual consumers make a decision by themselves to buy things in order to express their own identities (Hattori, 1997, p.10).

Monday, May 20, 2019

“A Conversation with My Father” Response Essay

In the short story A Conversation with My Father, there ar two narratives intertwined. This story brings to light a generation quip between the past and the present. This generation gap leaves the dying draw and his writer young lady with different views not only in life plainly as well in literature. Paleys use of characters exemplifies her efforts to combine realism with experimentation. This story is a great practice of her style of writing telling stories through the use of characters. Paley blends real life and literature, portraying her characters as applicative people with realistic problems. Every character has his/her own unique opinion on life. The two narratives reverberate each other in the sense that they are about the relationships between parents and their children.Read more evidence About My Father Goes to CourtThe daughter hates the kind of story her father wants, while the father rejects her yarn because he sees in it her inability to face tragic realitie s of fiction and life. Their different attitudes towards the possibility of opportunities and change, fictional or real, stem from their different worldviews and experiences. Not only are the intertwined narratives paralleled, but the overall story might also reflect Paleys relationship with her father. Did Paley have issues with her father regarding her career choice? In the story the daughter writes for her dying father, the father she would rather have surfaces as the mother who uses drugs as a mean of beingness closer to her son. This idea might be Paleys way of expressing her desire to have a father like the mother her protagonist created. In a way, Paley puts herself into her work as the protagonist and uses the hidden contentedness in her work as a way to express her problems.

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Development of police -Time line history Essay

The Roman Vigiles are recognise innovation over as the beginning righteousness twitch. Gaius Octavius who was Julius Caesars grandnephew created this non-military and non-mercenary jurisprudence in 27 B.C. (Berg, B.1998) The creation of the force followed the assassination of Julius Caesar and Gaius sought to reform the Roman society as a form of revenge. This was done at one time Gaius ascended to power to render Augustus Caesar the first emperor of Rome. (Berg, B.1998)However it was not until the 17th century that elements of policing started being salutary in the US after being adopted from the English watch agreement. This frame was to later pullulate to the American watch system, which had a form of silent, and unseen policing base on hue and cry. (Berg, B.1998) Among the first separate to adopt this system was the Boston night watch organize in 1631 this system enlisted 6 watchmen, a constable and many volunteers. American policing is normally sortified into 3 d istinct eras that are discussed below.The political duration (1840-1930)The major characteristic of this era was the close relationship between the police on one take nonplus and politicians on the new(prenominal). This relationship in most cases was geared towards making the politician happy The police system was very de centralize and its main purpose was to provide basic social services. Inherent in the police system during this era was the endemic corruption. http// this era is called the Spoils era which called for large-scale adaptation to the social changes that were taking place in America. This era is named so beca implement as the term puts it to the Victor go the spoils whereby the political class in big cities often controlled their municipal police. http// the period of 1835 America was hit by numerous industrial and race riots, which involved mostly the Native Americans and the immigrant Irish. In response to these riots, the police force was assigned the function of controlling them. However, because the type of system used was variably inadequate and ineffective the answer was found in police officers that would be salaried. (Walker, S.1998)1845 marked the beginning of a salaried police force in America. This was in raw(a) York City where the police were called coppers because of the copper star badges they wore. They worked throughout, day and night mainly to control riots. http// coppers were gird with guns and were usually trained to think smarter than their working class counter parts. This system was to soon spread to other states equal Boston where detectives and informants were being used and Philadelphia with the characteristic mug shots. http// Texas Ranger which was founded in 1845 is mentioned as the first state police organization and it is always well remembered for the atrocities against Mexicans and Comanche tribes. However, the Pennsylvania Constabulary is generally accepted as the first professional state police agency. The constabulary initial functions was to aide mine-owners against strikes in the mines. (Walker, S. 1998)The California princely Rush of 1848 prompted the formation of Federal police agencies that included the Border Patrol, the IRS, Postal Inspector and the Secret Service. In1855 Allan Pinkerton was a model for federal investigators after founding the Pinkertons private security agency. Other agencies that sprouted up during this time were Holmes Burglar Alarm Company and the Brinks and Wells Fargo ar muchd delivery services.By early twentieth century the Spoils era was coming to a close, ending in 1900 when the Pendleton comprise came into being. This Act was mainly obligate by a civil service system to fight corruption and nepotism. Several innovations were made, and the form of policing shifted fr om ponderosity to brain. (Berg, B.1998)During this time professionalism took center stage and led to the formation in 1902 of the International Association of Chiefs of police (IACP). Richard Sylvester became the bodys first president he was also the Washington D.C.P.D of import and is widely recognized as the father of police professionalism. Many aspects of paramilitary policing were developed during this time. (Walker, Samuel 1977)By 1918, August Vollmer as the chief of the Berkeley P.D became the patriarch of police professionalism. During his time, for the first time in America advancement in crime labs and feel printing were realized, to a greater extent and bigger police stations were built accompanied by change of line of credit titles. The professionalism saw the creation of police unions at the bottom ranks. (Walker, Samuel 1977)In 1915, the Fraternal Order of police force (FOP) was established. The establishment of the Federation Of State County Municipal Employees (AFSCME), and the International Conference Of Police Association (ICPA), the umbrella group of teamsters, followed this. other aspect of this era was the involvement of citizen groups in the police reforms a notable model was the Chicago evil foreign mission. The commission was more of civilian oversights board that sort to bring intellectual ideas about causes of crime. During this era policewomen were stipulation the chance to do real police work, for the first time.Another peculiar development during this era was the Volstead Act on the 18th Amendment or Prohibition in 1919.This was an era characterized by gangsterism of such(prenominal) renowned gangsters like Al Capone and John Dilinger. It was also a time during the Great Depression where there was widespread unemployment and law was unenforceable.Thus the main function of the police during this time was fighting crime because the number of gangsters had increased and they had become more organized. It was this period that is often described as the Prohibition Era when attempts were made to ban inebriant sales and consumption. (Walker, S. 1998)All together there was an escalation of such crimes as kidnapping, daylight bank robberies and drive by shooting. The police were under intense pressure to contain the runaway crime and most time resorted to the use of brute force including the use of dirty tricks. Notable police leaders who emerged during this time were J.Edgar Hoover and Elliot Ness. They often used covert means and latest technology to check on the raising crime. The advent of the ii ways radio, the police car and the telephone transformed greatly the policing system to become a more reactive system. (Gaines, L.& Vaughn J. 1999)The Reform Era (1830-1980)The reform era was ushered in by various transformations that started taking place in the police system in the 1920s led by August Vollmer who was Berkeley, California Police Chief (Carte, G. & E. 1975). During this era new technology starte d being adopted and greater professionalism enhanced (Walker, Samuel 1977). Such professionalism centralized the command and control of the police operations. Such officers like O.W Wilson who introduced professionalism in Wichita, Kansas and the Chicago police drastically trim corruption. Here training of the police was greatly emphasized. (Bopp, W 1977)O.W. Wilson introduced various strategies like rotation of officers from one fraternity to another to reduce corruption incidences, strict merit promotion system, and higher salaries to attract professionals and aggressive recruiting drives. (Bopp, W 1977) However, there remained a bad relationship between the police on one hand and the minority communities on the other because of the highly autocratic police leaders. The police during this period despite of the reformations concentrated more on felonies and other serious crimes. (Bopp, W 1977)The 1960s were marked by urban unrests that included movements such as the civil rights , the Vietnam, the student rights and counterculture. There was an escalation of serial and mass murders with an increased number of police killed in the line of duty that averaged 100 annually. The crime rates soared tripling during this period. (Carte, G. & E. 1975).In 1968 the National Advisory Commission on civil disorders blamed the riots on the police and following the abolishment of the death penalty 1967-1977,the police were faced with a heavy task of checking on the rise in crime whilst doing it professionally. In 1965 chairman Johnson formed the Presidents Commission On Law Enforcement And Administration Of Justice whose reports were influential in providing an overhaul iniquitous justice system model. It was during this period that the police information system became computerized and more emphasis was placed on empowering the criminal justice system. (Carte, G. & E. 1975).In the 1970s the interest shifted to the Police Community Relations when the reactive policing bo rder on was found to be ineffective. Corruption in the police force was still endemic and various commissions were formed to investigate it. Such commissions were common and were formed by citizens and financed by the private sector or familiarity groups. (Walker, S. 1998) Various programs were started towards enforcing the police community relations and included such programs as open houses and ride a longs, citizen self defense trainings, citizen police academies and Coffee Klatches or community meetings. These outreaches helped the police realize their public asylum function, where fighting the fear of crime was as important as fighting crime itself (Gaines, L.& Vaughn J. 1999)The Community Era (1980- Preset)Many law enforcement agencies in the 1990s started adopting strategies of community policing and problem oriented policing. Problem oriented policing that was characterized by a centralized problem pinpointing approach came first. (Gaines, L.& Vaughn J. 1999)Community polic ing defined as a philosophy based on citizens and police working together in creative ways to help solve modern problems related to crime fear disorder and decay. (Gaines, L.& Vaughn J. 1999)Community policing is characterized by the incorporation of the public in combating crime, where the police are more involved with the community they police, now than ever before. (Gaines, L.& Vaughn J. 1999)It was also during the 1990s that New York Police Department developed an information based crime pattern tracking and mapping system. The systems purpose was to check the trends and patterns in crime and the accountability of dealing with crime problems is given to the police.

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Seven External Factors That Could Influence Business And Marketing Efforts

This paper will follow a youngish business as it begins the process of establishing itself in the legal world. There are several factors that business must consider before choosing what type of originations the business will become. In the case of this new company they develop opted to become an S corporation. An outline of what lead to this decision will be discussed in-depth. In addition the stairs that were taken to complete this task. Business Scenario As the reality of the business begins, it becomes very clear that we must break up making the indispensable steps to legalize the organization.The frontmost step is to registering the business name. After registering Gentle Clean, we must birth a decision on whether to become a corporation or a partnership. The first thing that must be considered is making sure that the business is its own entity. Its very historic that the business and its affairs do non affect our private lives. As well as anything personal rolling ov er to the business. A LLC is seen as its own legal entity and is treated as completely distinguish and distinct from its members.An LLC can be sued, can sue, can enter into contracts, and be found liable some(prenominal) civilly and criminally all on its own, assort from the members of the LLC. In addition a LLC can be member- or manager-managed, which determines who has authority to bind the LLC in contracts. A LCC can be taxed as a partnership, resulting in the income being taxed to the partners own tax returns, or corporation, meaning it would be taxed as its own entity. C corporation and S corporation have limited liability protection for the owners, and each is seen as a separate legal entity from the owners.The main difference between the 2 is taxation. The C corporation files its own tax return, and temporary hookup the S corporation must file incorporated tax returns, it does not stand taxes at the corporate level. Rather, the benefit of the corporation are passed th rough to the individual to the shareholders on their own individual tax returns. Reviewing the two options one point must be seriously reviewed. The matter of taxation is of serious importance, and which way we proceed. both(prenominal) an LLC and S corp and C corp are their own entities. Yet very different in other aspects.We must decide whether to pay taxes at a cooperate level, or have the profits of the corporation are passed through to the individual to the shareholders on their own individual tax returns. Federal taxable income is between 15% and 35%, state and local taxes vary on income. Shareholders of most corporations are not taxed directly on corporate income, but must pay tax on dividends paid by the corporation. However, shareholders of S Corporations and mutual funds are taxed currently on corporate income, and do not pay tax on dividends.Since it will be several months if not years that the company will make a real profit. It would be in the best entertain of the co mpany to file as an S corp. Thus allowing the company to be its own entity as well as establishing the company and protecting the interest of our product. With that being said we must meet with a corporate attorney and file all necessary documents and begin the process of befitting an S corporation. Gentle Clean is now on its way to becoming a competitor in the world of Green cleaning supplies.

Friday, May 17, 2019

All Primary and Secondary Education Should Be Free Essay

schoolhouseing is an important asset to any iodins life and should be available to every one of all matures. Certain levels of direction should be available to hoi polloi of different levels and should be easily accessible. We emergency a basic form of education in our everyday lives. If we did not learn simple arithmetic such as how to count or if we did not learn how to read, we would suffer in the real word. If we bought something, people could rob us of our change simply because we cannot count. We would not be able to learn if we cannot read. We would rely on pictures to describe things for us and to convey the message to us.We would lose the thrill of reading. All these basic skills are taught in capital school and everyone should have access to primary school education. It is essential that everyone goes to school and if money is what is fish fillet them, then the giving medication exacts to incur a plan to help correct that. Primary education should be made free as it allows people to develop their brains and gain a basic cognition of the world. The government should provide existences which learners can attend to be educated which they currently do and they are called government schools.These schools should be subsidised by the government for people who really cant permit school fees. If people have enough money and choose to attend a private learning institution and have to pay school fees, they should do that at their own will. School should be made despotic from age six when children are able to understand and grasp concepts more easily until about the age of sixteen where they will have a broad knowledge of the world and can decide whether they motive to further their studies in a more specialised way.The quality of learning should be of a well-behaved quality at all levels of education. Secondary education expands on the knowledge that learners have received from primary school. It is still a broad range of knowledge but more imp ortant knowledge is devoted to learners especially in terms of career choice paths. It should be free or subsidised by the government for people who are really underprivileged or who really cant afford school fees. School gives children a basic knowledge in problem solving skills that they may need in their everyday lives.Secondary education is compulsory up until grade 9 since grade 10 is when learners choose specific subjects which they feel may help them later on in life or in the career they are interested in. School should be compulsory till the end of matric. It would victuals young people off the street and they would be doing something constructive such as improving their education. nobody wants to hire a sixteen-year-old which is the age you are allowed to leave school at.Those sixteen-year-olds end up jobless, sitting at home or can become involved in gangs or drugs. Instead of wasting their time, they should instead attend school. They choose not to go to school becau se they are lazy and need that push to make them do something. They stand a much better chance of getting a job with a matric certificate. Finishing school up until matric level also allows you to explore new areas in your life and so that you can help find yourself, your talents and your interests.

Thursday, May 16, 2019

No topic Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 8

No field of study - Term Paper ExampleThe nurse does not consider Mrs. Js subjective perceptions and does not hear her complaints. The nurse is convinced that Mrs. J. exaggerates her pain and may develop an anesthetic addiction.In order to light up the problem, both the nursing assistant and the chief nurse must collect all information regarding the bodily state of the patient, her diagnosis and possible complications. If possible, the patient will have to pass a prove, whose results will farm the basis for the development of a more specific pain management strategy. Additionally, the department must test the efficiency and validity of all technologies in Mrs. Js room. It may happen that the results it shows regarding Mrs. Js health are not objective.The desired result is providing comfort in Mrs. J.s relations with nurses and alleviating her pain, without causing any care disruptions or damaging her health (e.g., through the development of anesthetic addiction).Although it will spend a penny some time to complete additional tests, this is the best solution to the discussed problem. Nurses need to ensure that all technologies interlock appropriately and that additional doses of medications will not damage the patients

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Impact of Internet Usage On the Tourism Industry Essay

Impact of earnings Usage On the Tourism Industry - Essay fontThe research identifies that there is strong evidence that the Internet usage shapes the context within which people programme their holidays and make bookings. This is due to some push and pull factors on the part of consumers as well as some industry-wide factors that have evolved over the years.This paper makes a conclusion that the main push factors for the use of the Internet in holiday planning and booking include convenience, completeness, comparability, accuracy and discounts and the reflection of contemporary values of individualism. in that location are other pull factors which mainly relates to the structuring of tourism entities that encourages the use of the Internet to plan and book tours. premier of all, for competition purposes, most firms utilise the Internet and other forms of online communication to share schooling with clients and also engage their quest for survival. Secondly, there are search en gines that makes it convenient for potential phaetons to acquire information and also for tourist operators to share their information. Due to the fact that there is a lot of cooperation in the tourism industry, most information about tourism destinations are online. And this again causes planners and bookers to go online to get more information about the destinations they rely t visit. Therefore, it is apparent that the Internet shapes the context for business in the tourism industry and this in winding gets workers and consumers to visit the sites and plan real and actual visits to sites of interest.

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Economics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 17

Economics - Essay ExampleThe company adopted the policy of its founder which desired a typically Swedish touch in the product, the company emphasized its Swedish roots in its worldwide advertising, even going as far to insist on a Swedish blue and eon color scheme for its stores (IKEA Website). The company launched and expanded its operation without surveying the requirements and reaction of the public.Before 1994, the IKEA has less than 10 outlets, and only one of the outlet was located outside Scandinavia, the expansion of the company internationally, was responsible for the magnificent rose wine in its annul reserves. In 1994, the annual reserves of the company stood at $210 million, and had 125 outlets in 26 different countries the company reported sales of $5 billion. According to the 1994 statistics, only 11% of its sales were generated in Sweden, 29.6% came from Germany, 42.5% from the rest of Western Europe, and 14.2% from North America. The inauguration was attributed wit h the launch of IKEA concept and its development, the organization expanded its operation and go in United States in 1987, and the organization is operating much than 13 outlets in the United Kingdom.In 2004 the IKEA reported total sales worth 12.8 billion euros, the United Kingdom had the second highest sales with 12% of worldwide turnover, equating to over 1 billion sterling (IKEA Website). The organization considers its catalogue of significance, the catalogue is our more or less important marketing channel (IKEA Website). According to the market survey, the IKEA catalogue is considered to be the major share attractor of the retail direct marketing door-to-door distribution activity inside United Kingdom, the organization delivered more than 13 million catalogues. The company understands that, the catalogue is a vital brand builder for IKEA and the key number one wood for attracting customers to the stores (IKEA Website). The organization planned to increase and improve its

Monday, May 13, 2019

The Influence of the Advertisement spokespersons on Consumers Purchase Essay

The Influence of the Advertisement spokes someones on Consumers Purchase Intention--A faux pas Study of Cosmetic - Essay Examplevel of either the need of the proceeds itself or the ability of the product or sword to fulfill a need of the customer, thus making the customer aware of the brand/product. Consumer behavior marks the study of the way different people in any general or specific target market as they try to select the different items for purchase and what patterns are associated with purchasing behavior.Today, celebrities such as TV/Movie stars, musicians and athletes are used frequently in advertisements as companies recollect that they have a powerful image and can market their products well. The increase has been even more(prenominal) magnified in cosmetic companies and FMCGs. The availability of numerous advertisement channels however raises many questions for companies. They brands have to go steady an optimal fit between target audience, product and advertisemen t. To satisfy this need is the aim of this research. The research would meditate the feat the importance of Spokes Person in advertisement effectiveness. Therefore research would study the effect of Spokes person in cosmetics buying decision in various consumers, to understand and identify the different elements which can effect consumer buying decisions.The effects of celebrity endorsement have been very positive for companies. During the cola wars celebrity endorsement was a very important factor that defined the marketing strategy of both companies. Both were shoot down stars and created a very positive and hip brand perception for both their brands. This factor is even more relevant if the product being introduced is an alien product to the consumer. Consumers usually do not remember the establish calling and brands of these items. However if the brand is associated to a celebrity then the customer can better remember the name of the product or brand. The research shows str ong evidence that the purchase intent of the consumer can be greatly affected by the spokes person. This has been shown both by the positive response from the customers and

Sunday, May 12, 2019

How Does Paid Employment Affect Your Identity Essay - 3

How Does Paid Employment make believe Your Identity - Essay ExampleOur identity besides changes as our surroundings and our roles in it changes, which then translates that it is also what we chose to prioritise, what we rationally chose to fulfil, and what we may prefer to be concerned about (Martin and Barresi, 2003). In another setting, different kinds of tribe can come together below one larger and unified group that has similar visions and goals. oft called the organisation, it is both an entity and a concept in itself, which links together identity, power, inequality, freedom and knowledge all under a conceptual framework (Knights and Willmott, 2007). The behaviour and interaction of people working within an organisation is called organisational behaviour. It addresses in the main the interaction of people within all types of organisations like business, government, university and service organisations (Singh, 2010). To understand how an individual would be subscribe in a group setting, there is no magic bullet to solve all kinds of organisational kinds. Also, humans take for different identities, which would make the study of organisational behaviour even more erratic and unpredictable, hence the need for a multidisciplinary approach which borrows ideas from behavioural sciences, management and other disciplines (Singh, 2010 and Knights and Willmott, 2007). For example, an individual can be studied without considering the scheme. But because the organization influences and is influenced by the individual, there is also the need to study something about the organization (Knights and Willmott, 2007). Organizations influence more or less the lives of many people. They provide rules and regulations (governments), source of income (workplace), where individuals are raised and trained (schools, universities), among others (Griffin and Moorhead, 2010). We can also have multiple roles in different organizations (consumers, employees, suppliers, students, owners, etc.). For that, the study of organizational behaviour is deemed important. In an organization, there are physical exercise relations, hierarchy, a division of labor, as well as a degree of permanence or continuity (Knights and Willmott, 2007). Knowing what a persons role would be in an organization would dictate his or her roles, which would more or less be the same with persons of the same rank in the ladder. The formation of piffling groups within an organization helps in affirming the roles of members within a particular rank. It also has a powerful centre on the morale, position, motivation and work performance of the group members (Singh, 2010). Members of a group associate themselves with their group and this shapes their attitude and behaviour with regards to the organisation. The formation of such groups, when fully harnessed by the top management, will provide the indispensable workforce that would have highly effective members with high performance goals. Th us, the participation in such organisations by individuals with different roles would help in developing and confirming their sense of identity within the group (Knights and Willmott, 2007, and Singh, 2010). In an organizational setting, many cultures and ideas are often taught to all, if not most members. For example, a culture of autonomy implement in a certain workplace could give a sense of empowerment for their employees since they experience a sense of discretion or freedom

Saturday, May 11, 2019

HIT project Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words

HIT project - Coursework modelingTo identify obstacles during the management and implementation process of wellness portal system for a dialysis unit that serves haemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis to renal chronic disease uncomplainings. To validate with secondary research conducted by way of compeer review journals the procedure that sought to implement health portal on patient care system. Hospitals implementing health portal have documented positive results in patient care. A remarkable improvement is note in patient role Access to heath related Information. It is also worth noting that most physicians have describe that they dont use this system because of maintenance cost. Health Information Technology Implementation of Patient Portal within Paragon Organization Information In order to effectively manage our patients, entryway of data is imperative especially when performing clinical meetings. My interest is on applications within the electronic health record for th e treatment of chronic kidney disease (CKD). Patient portals are clinical, administrative and educational-related online applications which facilitate communication amidst patients and healthcare suppliers such as hospital and physicians. Terry (2010) said that patient portal is used by care providers and patients (Terry, 2010). Patient portal applications may be a single entity website and sell its services to health providers or it can be intergraded into existing website electronic medical record (EMR). The system exists as software program application that is regulated by government legislation. Kannan (2009) outlined the uses of health information technologies and online resources to include great electromotive force to boast health care quality by improving care access, efficiency, chronic disease management, and patient family involvement (Kannan,2009). Patient portal is a form of communication based on the web amid a patient and the doctor. It has the following features messaging, making requests or new appointments, examine past and present medical fix and modifies patient data. Bodenheimer et al, (2003) reported that patient portals can enhance patient-provider communication, increase overall satisfaction with care, guide on to more communication with psychosocial content and increase identification and management of chronic conditions, increase access to health information, and improve disease management for conditions such as diabetes and congestive heart (Bodenheimer et al, 2003). (An illustration of this is provided in extension B).The reporting system that is implemented here develops monthly report for all our dialysis patients in a unspoilt and timely manner. Information Technology Application Technician is in charge of patient portal application still it is quite unfortunate that the IT department is not within the organization at this moment we have promise personnel from a private company who is providing IT related services. Most institutions would hire application service provider to work hand in hand with Information Technology Application Technician to setup and maintain health and information system hardware and software. An internet report that was developed provided a screen which displayed three stays with the content to be activated and viewed on a separate page as shown bellow Laboratory (Health view) tab a screen that provided grouped laboratory results according to patient